Please note that these early recordings (1987 through 2001) were made on cassette tape and later transferred to digital format.
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Questions Asked
#1 January 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching
1. As we enter 1987, many people make New Year's resolutions and goals. You often talk about the use of our personal "will." How does it work and how can we best harness it to accomplish our goals. 2. Where does the soul's desire fit into all of this? 3. Many people are interested in astrology. There are a number of different astrological systems currently used. Is there one system that is better than another? And what is the best way for each individual to use astrology in their life? 4. Many people seem to be struggling with romantic relationships these days. Either they are in one that is not totally fulfilling or they are not in one and cannot seem to find the perfect relationship. What has happened from your viewpoint that is contributing to so much dissatisfaction in relationships? |
5. Can you give us some suggestions for softening the "capacity for criticism" that you spoke of in the previous answer?
6. Would you talk about the affect of the mass media on humanity at this time? Are we affecting it or is it affecting us? 7. There has been a lot of publicity about the ozone layer diminishing. Would you comment on this phenomenon? What effects will it have and is there anything we can do about it? 8. Many of us are beginning to see the signs of aging in ourselves. What happens to us as we age, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually? 9. Many of us have parents who are aging, some are beginning to show signs of senility. Can you help us understand the mental deterioration and suggest how to best deal with it. 10. Would you guide us in an attunement that would be helpful for the people in this study group to use during January? |
#2 February 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. In reference to aging and lifespan, some teachings say that each human being comes into this world with a "breath contract" or an agreement to live on earth for a certain number of breaths. Is there any truth in this theory and could you comment on whether there are any universal factors which influence or predetermine an individual's life span? 2. When you say that the spiritual energies that create astrological constellations are reflections of the God forces within us, does this mean that your astrological chart is basically your soul's plan for this life? That is to say, does the chart reflect the way your soul prefers you to live your life? 3. What should you do when you see something arising in your astrological chart which you, as a personality, do not like? For example, what should you do if your chart shows an illness coming in the future, or if your chart shows delay in succeeding in that which you wish to succeed in now? 4. Many spiritual paths and scriptures state that it is essential to the progress of a serious seeker to have their spiritual energy awakened through the Grace of a fully realized Master. This is sometimes called the awakening of the Kundalini energy. Could you comment on the importance of a physical Guru in this capacity? Will a great proportion of humanity receive this awakening through contact with a physical Guru? |
5. Edgar Cayce predicted major geographical upheavals in North America, specifically the East and West coasts of the United States, for the period of 1958-1998 stressing the latter part. Will we be seeing the reshaping of this continent in the predicted time? 6. When we pray to God, should we pray for what we want or what God wants for us. Also could you give us an example of how to pray, how to speak to the God within ourselves? 7. Would you talk in general about the ancient civilizations of South America such as the Inca and Mayan civilizations? What was the importance of those civilizations upon the present? 8. Did they have active communication with Egypt and other civilizations of that period? 9. What is the significance of information about extra terrestrials and flying saucers that is currently available? Is it important to study this information and how can we discern the legitimacy of any of it, especially with no personal, tangible evidence? 10.And finally, in your closing would you include an affirmation for us to use during the month of February? |
#3 March 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. Why did we souls choose the creation of earth when this path has led to such suffering? Is there a Divine Purpose to this existence or is earth life the outcome of mistaken choices and our only purpose to transcend the cycles of rebirth? 2. Can you speak more about the idea of karma? The traditional idea of karma, being cause and effect often makes us feel like we are at the effect of past choices. How much of our daily life is the effect of karma and how much is the effect of our free will and choice? 3. It's not too hard to think about cleaning up or healing patterns of jealousy left in earth, but it's very hard for most of us to understand about someone who has wreaked havoc upon so many people, someone like Hitler or mass murderers, etc. How can justice be obtained there? How can they clean up in a lifetime, that kind of negativity? 4. In past tapes you implied that we would never come in contact with beings from another planet or solar system. Do you mean to say that extra terrestrials don't exist or that they exist in another dimension. Is it that they are not physical as we know physical solid matter but rather their bodies vibrate at a different frequency and only appear solid at times under various fleeting circumstances. Is this the case? |
5. If our inner self is expressed in our outer body--is one's physical body a soul growth report card? For example, is poor eyesight a reflection of not being willing to see clearly, blushing: being thin skinned or sensitive? What about our body structure: short, tall, thin, fat? Does it reflect something from the soul? Would you comment on these ideas?
6. We live in a society where many people are addicted to something (e.g. sex, drugs, work, food, exercise, T.V.) Often these addictions lead to painful experiences for individuals and society. Would you speak about addictions and what is the reason for their dominance in the present period? 7. Currently there has been a lot of attention, self help groups and books relating to the problems of Adult Children of Alcoholics. Can you give guidance to those who are struggling with the results of their negative experiences with alcoholic parents? 8. Would you please give a specific attunement that each study group member can use during the coming month? |
#4 April 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. You have said that there are no other physical beings in the physical universe except we humans on earth? Why is the physical universe so huge with billions of suns if we are the only physical inhabitants? What is this universe's purpose if there are no other physical beings in it? 2. Many in earth are now following spiritual teachers who stress the goal of enlightenment or self realization while living in earth. Some say that if you gain this while in a physical body you merge with God after death and don't return to earth. You have indicated that all humans eventually merge with God after death. Is it of great importance for us to focus on knowledge of cosmic areas while we are in earth, or is it more a matter of personal choice for each of us? 3. Would you talk about channeling in general? There are many people now channeling various entities, and there are many people interested in these kinds of teachings. What is the significance of this? And how can we discern accurate or valuable information from that which is confused or misleading? 4. Some spiritual teachers and channeled entities have spoken about people of Inner Earth--a civilization living inside the planet itself. Are there physical beings (meaning solid flesh and blood) living inside the earth? 5. Astronomers have discovered a star exploding in a nearby galaxy which they call a super nova. This is the first time one of this magnitude has been seen in the last 380 years. The energy from that explosion is now reaching our planet. How does that energy impact and influence our planet and ourselves? |
6. Science claims our solar system is the result of a super nova. Are we seeing the birth of new creation here? And what do we as souls have to do with it?
7. Does the consciousness of human beings affect the weather on earth? If so, what do we have to do with, for example, the drought that has been affecting some of the western states? 8. The roles of men and women seem to be changing dramatically in this generation. Can you tell us the reasons for this, and explain how men and women may collectively build a more harmonious, loving and constructive relationships with one another? 9. What is the best way to deal with guilt? Especially if you feel you have misled or taken advantage of people who are loved ones to yourself? 10. Some people believe that the energy of a group of people is more potent than the energy of a single individual. Is this true? And is there anything this particular study group can concentrate on to assist and accelerate the current planetary healing and awakening that is occurring? 11. And finally, would you include in your closing an affirmation for us to use during this coming month? |
#5 May 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. Regarding the answer about addictions from the March tape: Often "rejoicing with others" involves the very addiction we are struggling to let go of: such as overeating, coffee, alcohol, even smoking--so that not participating sets one apart from others and they can feel offended and we can feel denied. And what usually happens is we over indulge and then feel sick or guilty or fat or all of the above. Can you give us suggestions for being with others in social situations that involve eating and drinking, while maintaining our commitment to moderation or abstinence? 2. When you spoke about UFO's in a past reading, you said that it is possible for people to experience at the same time and in consensus reality, events or illusions of events. This would seem to be magic, sorcery or conjuring or all three. Can you speak of these areas and explain more closely how they work? 3. Would you describe, as clearly as you can in earth terms, the process by which you as guiding ones communicate with your source of knowledge in order to present the information you give to us in the readings? And then what is the process of communication between Ron's guides and everyone else? 4. Some people have predicted that large numbers of people will be leaving this earth, dying, as the new age of love unfolds more. Would you please comment on this? If it is true, why this will be happening as well as how and when? |
5. It seems that the ratio of men to women is heavily tilted toward there being more women than men. Coupled with the growing gay male population and more and more men choosing young women, it seems that there is an ever growing group of mature women who cannot find mating relationships. Have these women chosen a non-mating path for a reason? And if so, what is the reason or is this lack of men just an appearance and not a fact? If so, could you give us a way to work with ourselves so that we might all find the perfect mating relationship?
6. What are the true powers contained in crystals and how can we best utilize them in our lives? 7. Some say the Mayan Indians were a peace loving civilization. Others say they were primarily warring. Could you give us some clarity regarding this? 8. Why do we have races? Is there a significance of being born into particular ones? 9. Many cultures revere their ancestors. Please explain ancestral lineage in relationship to soul groupings. Are there famaily themes and purposes that we serve on earth? 10. Were many of us in the Study Group living lives at the time of Christ, and if so, were we directly or indirectly involved with him? 11. And finally, would you give us an attunement that we may use during the upcoming month? |
#6 June 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. For some of us it is a mystery how our souls come into being. It seems like a miracle beyond our comprehension. Is it possible for you to describe for us the process by which the creation of our souls occurred? 2. What are the potential choices that a soul has when it completes the earth experience? Do all souls who have fully completed earth fulfillment have a choice to become Guiding Ones to earth? 3. When you are working with individuals, doing a personal reading, what do you as guides "see" when you say, "we are looking at personality patterns here," or when you are viewing earth. What is taking place when you say you'll come closer to earth? Can you describe what you see and give us a feeling for your process? 4. Music touches our emotional level very deeply and is very much a part of our lives. Could you comment on how music actually affects us on different levels? What purpose does it serve?. |
5. How do the different types of music affect us, such as classical, jazz, New Age, rock, and so forth? There is such a difference between classical and heavy metal, for example. Is it merely a subjective difference or are there actual physical effects?
6. What caused the disappearance of the dinosaurs? Was it some catastrophic event? 7. Would astral travel while conscious be good for some of us? If so, how is it accomplished? 8. What is the effect of pornography on society? How does it differ from milder forms of sexual show and tell? Is it just an individual moral interpretation? 9. Did WWII have its roots in an Atlantean conflict where Hitler and Patton were also adversaries? If this is true, why did this conflict appear again in the 20th century and what is its final resolution? 10. Can you tell us about the symbolic and real importance of King Arthur and the Quest for the Holy Grail? 11. Please close with an attunement for this month |
#7 July 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. Is our human personality infused by the totality of our soul or just a portion of our soul? 2. Is it possible for one soul to infuse more than one human personality in a single lifetime? 3. What is human passion about? Why does it sometimes seem so dangerous and yet so attractive? What is its most constructive mode of expression in the human personality? 4. From your perspective, what is Grace? How is it attracted and manifested when one prays, chants, meditates or simply opens the heart to another? What does it mean to be in a state of Divine Grace? 5. Do we really choose our human life and our life's circumstances? Do we have free will, or is there an overall, larger master plan (God's plan) that we operate under? |
6. The Christian Bible is filled with stories of prophets and prophecy. What exactly is prophecy, and what is its value or purpose for us on earth?
7. Can you speak about Nostradamus, his predictions, and their purpose? 8. When can we expect to see a change in the government and society of the United States toward more loving, and wise policies and actions? What should we look for as indications that these changes are beginning? 9. So many of us long to feel as if we are truly contributing to the awakening of humanity at this time. We feel the presence of guiding ones who are showering earth with their love. What can we do to help usher in the "New Age"? What would please you most as Guiding Ones for us to do to assist you in the transformation of human life? 10. Would you give us an attunement to work with during the coming month? |
#8 August 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. Do you as guiding ones really know the individuals in the study group? Sometimes you direct your answers to the group specifically, but we wonder if there is anything personal about this or are the answers simply to humanity as a whole? 2. In a previous reading, you indicated that human or human-like beings played a major role in driving the ancient dinosaurs to extinction. Why is it that no physical evidence has been found for human forms living at that time? Are there other major errors or misconceptions in current evolutionary thought? 3. In a recent tape discussing responses to negativity you said that people should choose the love response. It seems at times that others are coming forward to harm us. How do we both properly protect ourselves emotionally and physically and yet still create a love response in that situation? 4. Please discuss the Global Harmonic Convergence which is scheduled to occur on August 16-17, 1987. Many sources have indicated that this period of August 16-17 would be a major opening of a door of opportunity for the raising of human consciousness. Some have said it marks the beginning of the "Age of Aquarius". Can you comment on the significance of energy patterns unfolding at that time? Will most people on earth experience a distinct shift in planetary consciousness? Is there a special attunement we could make to facilitate any such opportunity? |
5. Can the fact that so many people focusing on this day, and the forces of God on this day, will they have any effect on the subjective realities on the rest of humanity who might not have that same focus?
6. Many couples today are choosing not to have children. Could you discuss reasons from your perspective why we might want to consider to or not to have children? 7. Parenting is a very challenging area for many of us. How much influence do we really have on our children? What is our primary role or responsibility as a parent? 8. Do our bodies give off auras of different colors which some people can perceive? If so, are these colors indicative of a person's attributes? 9. What is happening to those people who experience and exhibit multiple personalities? 10. Catholics venerate Mary, the mother of Jesus, and there are major world shrines built to commemorate apparitions, prophesies and miracles attributed to her. What did happen, for instance at Fatima and Lourdes? Did she really appear in human form? What can you tell us of events like these? 11. You have talked about the power of love to heal. If Jesus had such a powerful love vibration, how is it that, as recorded, some people in his presence actually hated him? 12. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
#9 September 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. How can we transform feelings of anger and frustration into feelings of love, harmony and success? 2. What is the reason for human beings having been given such great freedom that they can even create negativity in earth within a universe where there is none? 3. In an earlier study group reading, you said that our souls have a plan for us, as personalities in earth. How specific is this plan--or, does this differ with each individual? Would you please give us an example from a person in the study group, or some other actual person, to illustrate what you mean? And would you give us suggestions for attuning to our soul's plan, and thus fulfilling our soul's purposes in earth? (note: the Guides use Ronald Reagan as an example). 4. Please give us some tools so that we can better access our higher selves or souls. 5. Many teachings speak of energy centers in the body called chakras and place importance on the need to open these centers for spiritual growth. Can you comment on this? 6. Those of us living in large cities today often confront homeless people begging for money. The issues and emotions that arise can be confusing and complex. How might we truly help such a person without getting drawn into their own confusion? How does God help such a person, especially one deeply affected by negativity and despair? |
7. Looking at our own solar system, we have a central sun with a number of planets around it, looking much like a huge atom. Would you explain why this solar system takes the form that it does with the planets revolving around the sun? Does this pattern of the solar system reflect patterns of our souls and if so, would you describe this? 8. Many reputable scientists have warned that the people of earth are conducting a dangerous unprecedented global experiment in climate modification by allowing the buildup of the so called "greenhouse gases" such as carbon dioxide and methane and other actions such as allowing the destruction of large areas of forests which use carbon dioxide. For example, one well known scientist recently testified to Congress: "We appear to be entering a period of progressively rapid warming of the Earth as a whole, with no end in sight. The implications are profound. They will bring rapid and drastic changes in civilization." 8. Many reputable scientists have warned that the people of earth are conducting a dangerous, unprecedented global experiment in climate modification by allowing the buildup of the so called greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, and other actions such as allowing the destruction of large areas of forest which use up carbon dioxide. For example, one well known scientist recently testified to congress, "We appear to be entering a period of progressively rapid warming of the earth as a whole with no end in sight. The implications are profound. They will bring rapid and drastic changes in civilization. Would you please comment on the greenhouse affect? What must be done to change this situation? Will it require major changes in the use of energy and major shifts in civilization? 9. Could you comment on the apparent irony of seeing so many people "polluting" their bodies with alcohol, processed junk foods, pharmaceuticals, etc. and yet they live to a ripe old age of 90 or so. Please explain. 10. Some people have a very deep respect for all of life and feel bad about killing even insects. Would you speak about the consequences for human beings of killing insects or animals? 11. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
#10 October 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching 1. It seems that in the last few years, many diseases have been discovered that affect the immune system of human beings, such as AIDS, Epstein Barr Syndrome and other viruses that seriously affect one's ability to live a full, healthy life. Is there an overall pattern that is being expressed by people that is causing this type of widespread illness? Is it related to air or food pollution, or dangerous chemicals in the air? 2. At this time, it seems that many men have difficulties in making friends with other men, especially friendships of intimacy and deep sharing of feelings. For many men, particularly after the school and college years, friendships become much harder to make. What do you see as the most significant reasons why men having difficulties in making deep friendships. What are the consequences of this, and what are some suggestions to help overcome these problems? 3. We have a couple of questions about old people who are institutionalized and essentially just waiting to die. Why do people hang on to life when they are very old and live in institutions where they just eat and sleep? 4. It's very hard for those of us who have loved ones in this situation to know how to relate to them when they seem so "out of it". Do you have any suggestions? |
5. Does suicide under these conditions have the same consequences for the human personality as when a person commits suicide to escape painful emotional and mental experiences of life? 6. Do animals have souls, or do they exist as a part of our souls' manifest creation? 7. Will you please discuss the forces at work in some of the unusual events that have occurred at the Findhorn Community in Scotland? Are there really faeries, gnomes, and other creatures that have been seen there? People there claim to have seen them, artists render them, and there are even alleged genuine photographs of them. If they do exist, how is it possible to see them? What are they like? How can communication take place? 8 It seems that the process of human choice is extremely powerful and that the act of choosing sets powerful forces at work in the Universe. Is this true--can we harness unseen power through the act of choice? Please comment on this. 9. In creating earth life, why did we, as souls, place things in earth that are pleasurable and compelling, yet potentially bad for our bodies, such as sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and so forth? 10. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
#11 November 1987 Study Group Reading
Opening Teaching We'd like to begin with two personal questions from members of the study group. 1. This question is from Patty, a 41 year old woman from the state of Washington, and she asks the following: "I have an almost paralyzing fear of heights. The feeling I get when in this situation is that I physically want to jump. The urge is so strong that I become totally overwhelmed by fear. How can a fear such as this be so totally gripping, despite how I try to perceive it differently? What are intense phobias an indication of?" 2. This question is from David, a 44 year old man from Chicago, Illinois. David has a job that is not fulfilling for him. He is attempting to create a new work area, but feels bogged down. He asks the following: "Can you provide me with ideas as to how I can overcome my rather strong and persistent fear of failure and get started with making a decision about new work? I am afraid I will end up in a job with limited potential." 3. We want to ask a couple of questions about the current state of affairs in this world. First of all, from a spiritual point of view, can you tell us how you see what is going on in the Persian Gulf right now? 4. Ron and I have received phone calls from people who, understandably, read the newspapers and are frightened about our world. Some are particularly fearful about the state of California as there are apparently predictions that say we will have devastating earthquakes here early next year, virtually destroying California. Some people are even considering moving out of California. Would you speak about this? |
5. Drug usage is becoming more and more widespread, not only in this country but throughout the world. One investigator recently wrote that the people of earth now spend more money on illegal drugs than they do on food, clothing and shelter. Would you explain why this is happening and what we are to learn from this? 6. What do powerful drugs such as heroin, cocaine, PCP, LSD, etc. do to the subtle spiritual bodies after heavy use? What effect, if any, do they have on the soul? 7. People sometimes feel an almost tangible positive or negative "vibration" from the people they encounter? Can other people's vibrations actually affect us? Would you please talk about these kinds of energies and also tell us if we need to protect ourselves from the negative energies of others? 8. People talk about locations on earth that have particularly strong energy. Are there certain kinds of power points on earth or collections of energies, either positive or negative? 9. Many teachers speak of completing our incarnations here in earth. How can we tell if we are living our last lifetime? What is the criteria for completion here and when is that decision made? 10. Please close with an attunement for us to use this coming month. |
#12 December 1987 Study Group Reading (used for Reading #324 December 2013 remix)This is a beautiful reading that speaks about the Christmas story, its symbology and application to our present day life.
1. In the November opening, you mentioned that, "There is currently an augmentation of the creative forces of the souls who overwatch earth, amplified by human choices of idealism and altruism, causing an unleashing of many unconscious forces that ordinarily remain hidden from the feelings and perceptions of you ones, but which are now becoming more intensified." Can you tell us more about these hidden forces and how they impact us? 2. Would you relate to us the events surrounding the birth of Jesus as they actually happened? |
3. Would you talk a little bit more about the symbolism of some of the stories we've carried forward for 2000 years to help us have the feeling of inspiration from Jesus' life? For example, the Star of Bethlehem? 4. Some people believe that there will be a second coming of Christ. Can we expect anything of this magnitude to happen again? Or was the opening made at the time of Jesus' birth? 5. In closing, would you give us an attunement that we can use during the coming months to help us awaken in our own hearts and open to experience the Christ energy at this time? |