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3. The next question is generally addressed in each reading, but I don’t think we have asked it directly. The question is: "What is it to be spiritual?" Do we have to like everyone that we encounter? Do we have to manifest love at all times? From the souls’ point of view, what is "being spiritual?"
4. You frequently tell us about spiritual or metaphysical truths at the soul level and the human distortions of them. Yet, you also tell us that we can choose what to believe, and that the power of our believing is more important than any specific religious, or medical, or cultural system. So, what good is knowing about truth when you also tell us that it is okay to believe anything? If all truth expressed through humans either has some distortion or is incomplete, are there varying degrees or levels of truth? Can believing in human distortions of truth be harmful? 6. Would you please close by telling us what will be important for us to focus on in the year 2001? |
MP3 #169 Jan 2001E-Transcript #169 Jan 2001 |
5. In a past reading, under a different but related topic, you said that each of our souls has "earmarked" a number of individuals with whom we have the potential to develop very meaningful and purposeful relationships, (such as a spouse), that will bring the most benefit to us in this lifetime. Given that we are such a mobile society, with many people moving great distances, geographically, We are curious to know if there is a connection between a person’s physical birthplace (the city and state here in the United States), and the birthplace of those other people with whom that potential is the greatest. If not, did our soul know, or plant in us a desire to move to a location where some, or most, of these people happen to be? It seems like the odds of finding these individuals from the billions on this planet are slim. Yet in readings, you often say that people in our lives, such as a spouse, are one of the important people for us to be with, and that we have been with them in past lifetimes. Is there a connection between where one is born and the individuals that one would attract in order to develop the most meaningful relationships?
6. In a prior reading you said that human negativity, selfishness, and fear, at times in the past—and we imagine this is continuing—actually affected the weather of the planet, causing volcanic eruptions and the like. Would you please explain this more fully, especially in light of the recent very serious earthquakes that have been occurring around the world? 7. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
MP3 - #170 Feb 2001E-Transcript - #170 Feb 2001 |
5. When we are irritated or judgmental of someone, is it because of some form of the same irritation or judgment that we haven't accepted in ourselves? Would you discuss the concept of other people mirroring personality qualities that either we have, or have had?
6. Many people say that we create our lives by the words we use. Will you discuss this, and give us an affirmation of truth that we can use daily for our maximum benefit? 7. At times, we experience dreams about friends or loved ones who are in distress or having trouble. How exactly does this mechanism work? Is there an "astral plane" that some speak of that carries universal information that we are able to plug into? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #171 Mar 2001E-Transcript - #171 Mar 2001 |
3. Is it possible for humans to experience the Divine realms if we have not healed the darkness and fear of our human personality self? 4. In a recent workshop reading in Maryland, you told us that that the representation of angels as having wings is an "atavistic memory" of a physical form that souls actually used in the early stages of life on earth. You also said that there are other forms that "have fallen by the wayside and are no longer kept alive in our imagination." Just for fun, and to broaden our imaginations, would you please describe some of these forms and how they looked and worked for us? 5. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
E-Transcript - #172 Apr 2001 |
4. It seems like there could be tremendous potential for consciousness growth if we put people in the laboratory and stimulated their brain to awaken them to the spiritual life. Is that not true? 5. Often, when we are dealing with fears, you suggest that we bring up the negative feelings, experience them, release them, and then remind ourselves that feelings are temporary and cannot damage our being. Sometimes, especially when it is the fear of a situation that hasn’t happened—for example, if we fear the possible death of a child, or have a general fear that something bad will happen—it seems more like a thought or idea than a feeling. When it’s not a real situation, but only in our fears, and we can’t conjure up a feeling about it, how do we feel the feeling? In other words, how do we deal with nagging fear thoughts that don’t seem to have intense feelings attached to them? 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
E-Transcript - #173 May 2001 |
5. If our soul’s state of being is so much fuller, more magnificent, wiser, and more loving than we are normally aware of, why do we in human form need other souls as guides? Why isn’t it sufficient to just attune to our own soul for guidance? 6. You've spoken about the value of co-creatorship between ourselves, our guides, and God. Would you please give us some stories or metaphors to help us understand more about the possibilities and the processes of engaging in co-creation? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
E-Transcript - #174 June 2001 |
4. Would you please describe for our understanding the worlds that our guides are creating in the non-physical realms, and our own worlds that we will eventually create after we finish our earth existence? 5. Looking at this group’s present "evolution" in our spiritual growth, would you please inspire us with something that will stretch our imaginations and our understanding of our place in the universe? 6. What is the difference between opening the heart and attaining higher states of consciousness? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
E-Transcript - #175 July 2001 |
4. Please give us some guidance about how we can balance our needs for community with person autonomy in the context of genuine spiritual movements that tend to develop into rigid and judgmental belief systems.
5. Most of us have had the experience where we meet someone whom we feel we have known from another lifetime. Are there specific ways such as physical sensations, spiritual intuition and dreams, to become more certain of this knowing? How can we best expand upon these experiences to gain insight and grow? 6. What is heaven? Is it a state of mind? Is it ecstasy? Is it passion? Can we attain it here on earth and, if so, how? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
E-Transcript - #176 Aug 2001 |
5. What is the place and purpose of poetry in human life? Can poetry be a way for the Soul to communicate to humans? Were the ecstatic poets such as Rumi, Hafiz, and Kabir, in direct communication with their Souls such that they were able to write such beautiful poetry about the experience of God?
6. What is the relationship between creativity and spirituality? Some people are creative but don't appear to be spiritual. Some are spiritual but don't appear to be creative. How do the two areas coincide and feed each other? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
E-Transcript - #177 Sep 2001 |
4. How do we heal individually and collectively from these terrorist attacks, still find meaning in our everyday lives, and move forward while not forgetting the lessons that these events can provide for us?
5. In light of all the souls who agreed to be involved in this incident, from the terrorists, to the victims, to the survivors, to the observers, what is the collective lesson, and/or good that the world will ultimately derive from this, since it appears that we are repeatedly subjected to the same lessons? 6. Can you specifically give us ways to bridge the gap between two cultures that have evolved into diametrically opposed extremes? |
E-Transcript - #178 Oct 2001 |
4. One Study Group member writes: “I’m in Toronto , Canada where there is a similar but also slightly different attitude to the United States reaction to Sept. 11. I also spoke with students at a University in Ottawa , where I just finished a stint as a visiting artist, and this subject came up. Would you ask the Guides about the deeper meaning of these events for the United States ? What are the lessons to be learned in this, especially with respect to looking at the deeper causes behind the bombings, instead of just reacting more or less brutally to the symptoms? I would really like to have their answer on this. We need some depth, and scope, and love in our perspective on this.”
5. As it relates to our evolving into a more loving version of humanity, is the way we are responding to being attacked moving us toward this ideal, or are we moving backwards? 6. The Guides tell us that we build on each successive life. The example they have used is a rose bush with many blooms. The question is: What does the terrorist attack, and then our response in violence build for the future? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
E-Transcript - #191 Nov 2002 |
4. During the Retreat Readings [the Seventeenth Spiritual Retreat with the Guides, and Ron and Susan Scolastico], you spoke in terms of the blood acting as a transition between the divine and the human. Would you please explain this process and tell us how we might enhance the transition process on the human level?
5. If left alone, would children naturally be loving human beings or must that be taught? Which is stronger in other words: nature or nurture? 6. How can we individually and collectively bring more peace, joy, laughter and happiness into our own lives during this holiday season and throughout the year? |
E-Transcript - #180 Dec 2001 |