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5. The following was a question asked at our 2004 Spiritual Retreat. It was such an enlightening answer that we have included it in this month’s Study Group. I will read the question as it was asked, and then you will hear the Guides’ recorded answer from the Retreat. We thank Marian Myers for the use of her question and answer. She asked: “I have often wondered the true meaning of the ego. It seems that we need a healthy amount of ego to have a healthy self concept. Would you please explain the spiritual definition of the ego, and how it affects our daily lives and interactions with others? How can I tell, in a timely fashion, if my ego becomes too powerful and might cause me to say or do irrational things or unwise behaviors? Please guide my thinking in this area to better understand myself, and for the benefit of those around me.”
6. You often say that we generally under-appreciate how well we are doing in life, and how much we have accomplished and are accomplishing. What specifically is the good about us and our lives that most of us overlook? 7. Would you tell us a story, or give us some images that will help us when we are feeling a deep longing to know the sweetness of divine love, and when we wish to remember that we are eternal beings? |
MP3 #217 Jan 2005E-Transcript #217 Jan 2005 |
3. Please discuss the trait of laziness. It seems too simple to call someone lazy. There are often underlying emotional elements. What are the root causes of laziness, and how can we overcome whatever patterns trigger laziness? 4. In recent times, the roles and behaviors of women in society have changed to be more like those of men. Aside from the obvious biological differences, are there actually evolutionary changes taking place that are equalizing the feminine/masculine natures of men and women? 5. This being the month of Valentine’s Day, what insights can you give us into the care and maintenance of successful love relationships? 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use in the coming month? |
MP3 - #217 Feb 2005E-Transcript - #217 Feb 2005 |
5. One of our Study Group members is troubled by certain aspects of the Christian evangelical movement. She asks: “Thanks in part to television, the spread of the Christian evangelical movement has been vast and pervasive, along with their belief in such things as the ‘Rapture’—the end of the world and the final ‘judgment.’ Their radical beliefs have influenced our politics, science, and education. Their commitment to proselytizing and converting people to their brand of Christianity makes many of them zealots. In my observation, it is a very divisive and destructive religion. Many believe that it was one of the reasons for going to war in Iraq. Would you speak about these people, and tell us what it will take to have a more united world in the near future?”
6. What is “the Grace of God?” How can humans experience the Grace of God? 7. Easter will be coming soon. Perhaps you would close with a message that Jesus might give us if he were alive today. |
MP3 - #219 Mar 2005E-Transcript - #219 Mar 2005 |
perspectives can you give us that will help us learn from this case? More directly, was there any likelihood that Ms. Schiavo would ever have regained consciousness? How much of her human consciousness survived those years? Was there any benefit to her in keeping her alive this long? 5. In past readings, you have said that suicide is not a good option, even for people with a serious illness. Because of the Terry Schiavo case, much attention has been given to the issue of choice as it relates to dying. In the animal kingdom, and in some societies, refusing food and water at some point in order to die is a natural phenomenon. It seems like a reasonable choice when it is clear that death is imminent. Would you comment on this option? 6. A Study Group member asks: “Most ‘New Age’ literature seems to say, in essence, that our human world is either a place to learn, or a place to have an adventure. Some spiritual teachings suggest that this world is a big mistake that we need to wake up from. What is your perspective on this?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use in the coming month? |
MP3 - #220 Apr 2005E-Transcript - #220 Apr 2005 |
5. There are people who are considered to be "psychics." Some of them appear to read the energies from the souls, or from "the other side," and they can come up with accurate information. Yet, there are people who doubt all psychic abilities and say that psychics are frauds. Are psychics really getting messages or energies from spirits, or from people who have died? If so, how does that work? 6. There are some new scientific articles that report on mathematical models and projections that suggest the existence of parallel universes, and postulate that earth might have a "double" in a galaxy far away. You have said that there is no real "life" like ours in the rest of the universe. How does that comment correspond to the scientific data that talks about life elsewhere, with parallel lives and parallel universes? 7. When you refer to “mastering” earth life, what does mastery mean? What does it entail or require? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use in the coming month? |
MP3 - #221 May 2005E-Transcript - #221 May 2005 |
4. There are many reports by people who have had near-death experiences that they have seen cosmic light, felt great peace, and sometimes have seen people on the other side whom they have known in earth life. Also, people who have been in certain drugged states have had similar experiences. Are these people actually experiencing spiritual realities, or, is this just a trick of the brain that happens when people almost die, go unconscious, or have an influence from certain drugs?
5. Please close with the answer to this question: You often urge us to treat other people with kindness, compassion, and love. In human terms, these three words can have slightly varying definitions, but all three are pretty much the same thing. Why do you usually mention all three? Would you speak in more depth about what you mean when you use these three words? |
MP3 - #222 June 2005E-Transcript - #222 June 2005 |
5. Whenever we have asked you about the care and feeding of the body, you have said fruits, vegetables, and light proteins. We have not heard you mention whole grains. Did you leave that out intentionally? Is that not particularly healthy for our bodies?
6. One of our Study Group members has recently read several books that have made some disturbing predictions about our future in the physical world. One predicts a terrible stock market crash. Others talk about the end of the supply of gas and oil, and the turmoil it will cause. She would like to know what you see about these two predictions. 7. To acquire greater intuitive capacity as a human, is it necessary for a human self to have achieved that capacity in a past lifetime through effort, interest, and experience, or, can a soul simply weave it into a new personality because it desires to do so? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use in the coming month? |
MP3 - #223 July 2005E-Transcript - #223 July 2005 |
food. This cycle is not in concert with natural law, in which the animal kingdom responds to lack of food by slowing their population growth. The theory says that until we change and align with natural law, we cannot be rid of poverty and famine. How would you respond to this theory? 4. How important is it to eat organically grown food? Do pesticides, and fertilizers have an adverse affect on the food we eat, and in turn on our bodies? 5. After a dramatic tragedy, such as the London bombings, many people feel depressed and hopeless. One Study Group member in France expressed it in a question this month. He asks: “Does anything matter in life? If so, why?” 6. This is my own question. When I was following a guru, I had a photo of him in every room. It gave me an exquisite sense of holiness to look at the picture. It was a reminder of my divinity and the love that I felt from the guru. Icons in churches, paintings of Jesus, serve the same purpose for those who believe in what the images represent. What can we use, or do, to create that sublime feeling of holiness if we do not devote ourselves to a religion? Would you give us a focus or attunement? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #224 Aug 2005E-Transcript - #224 Aug 2005 |
4. A Study Group member whose child died asks: “When a child dies, a parent’s world is turned upside-down, inside-out, leaving that parent to struggle to find a way to begin a totally new life without that child. That parent can be left with a lifetime of gut-wrenching pain and grief that never goes away. Even 40 years later, a parent will talk about the child that died and will begin sobbing. Everyone says that losing a child is the worst loss. Is there a reason for that, beyond all of the obvious reasons? Is there something unseen and much deeper? What is it about the death of a child that is completely different from any other loss through death that we will ever have to endure?”
5. Will the new technologies in medicine, such as stem cell research, eventually lead to new cures? Will medicine ultimately be able to cure all illness? 6. Sometimes people linger in life well beyond what medicine would normally expect. We know that each person has their own reasons, but, in general, are people clinging out of fear of what might transpire after their transition, out of the needs of loved-ones who cannot let them go, or, is it simply that the animal body is tenacious in its desire to live, no matter what? Are there other reasons? Is there a way to help them ease their path? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #225 Sep 2005E-Transcript - #225 Sep 2005 |
4. During the hurricane Katrina evacuations, there are reports that doctors humanely helped people who were terminally ill die with shots of morphine when it was determined that they would live only a few days and would suffer if they tried to evacuate them. Many of the ill or elderly had “do not resuscitate orders” posted. Are there spiritual consequences for hastening the death of another when their death is imminent?
5. Scientists say that there are more universes than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches on the earth. What is the purpose of creating so many universes and stars? 6. This is a question from a Study Group member in Illinois and she writes: “At times, in my guided writing, I have written the term, ‘soul desecration,’ and I have often heard the term, ‘soul wounds.’ Is the soul a part of our being that can be injured? Is it a part of our being that dances close enough with our humanness that it can be wounded, or, is it the spirit that is untouched by our human dramas and traumas, and even triumphs? And, thank you so much for all of the rich insights that come from the Readings, and the glorious sense of love and compassion that come from the very vibration of the transmissions through Ron's voice and being.” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
MP3 - #226 Oct 2005E-Transcript - #226 Oct 2005 |
5. A Study Group member is confused about Astrology. He asks: “What is the validity of Astrology? Can the position of the planets and stars really influence the outcome of events, the ability to communicate, wealth accumulation, and positive or negative aspects of one’s life? Some friends that I respect put a lot of faith in this, and, as an example, they will be extra careful during times of ‘Mercury Retrograde.’ One friend in particular moved into her house during Mercury Retrograde and has been advised by her Astrologer that she should shut down her house for three days and move out, turning off all power, covering furniture, and removing plants—just as if she were closing down a summer residence for the season. Supposedly, doing this will help her communication issues. Would you please shed some light on this, not just on this one issue, but the practice of astrology as a whole?”
6. The various “twelve-step” programs like, “Overeaters Anonymous,” include as one of their steps, turning our will and lives over to the care of God. Other programs and religions speak of turning our troubles over to God. Sometimes, it seems to some people like this point of view is just a cop-out, and a way of not taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Please speak to how turning our problems over to God might be a helpful practice, and how it works. Is it different from just being open to the guidance of our soul? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #227 Nov 2005E-Transcript - #227 Nov 2005 |
3. Many humans feel very strongly about protecting the natural world, and they deeply appreciate its beauty and magnificence. What is our connection to this beauty, and, do some humans incarnate simply to enjoy the earth itself? 4. Over the course of a soul extending a ray of their self into human existence in many lifetimes, do those lives of the human change the soul in any way? 5. History suggests that many spiritual traditions that existed before Christianity had beliefs that involved similar stories of virgin births and resurrections. Was there an actual Jesus person that died on a cross, as the Christian Bible describes, or, is the biblical story of Jesus largely a myth that expanded over time with only some kernels of truth? 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #228 Dec 2005E-Transcript - #228 Dec 2005 |