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4. This is from North Carolina: “Why is it that we as humans hold so many unconscious habits, thought patterns, and feeling reactions that we are not aware of? Is it that we have embedded these unconscious patterns in past lives and must learn to unravel their origin in this life so that they don’t run us? Some philosophies recommend just ‘leaving the past behind’ and dealing with the present moment, letting go of resistance to whatever is occurring, connect to God, and go from there. How do you suggest we best deal with and handle reactive patterns in everyday life, other than, as you have so often suggested, feel the feeling, then recreate a vision of ‘truth’ to operate from? This process seems like an endless battle we need to be engaged in.”
5. I saw a wonderful documentary on TV called, “In God’s Name.” It profiled spiritual leaders of the largest religious/spiritual groups in the world. My favorites, for their being, their actions and their teachings were Amma the “hugging saint,” and the Dalai Lama. Both of these teachers seem to have such a radiant joy and happiness about them, even in the midst of life’s traumas. Is this kind of inner peace even possible in the western world with the many demands, not the least of which are the financial demands just to exist here? How can we stay in a state of joy, peace and love?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 #253 Jan 2008E-Transcript #253 Jan 2008 |
4. This question is from North Carolina: “You have said that we are in control of our thoughts, which is a concept that I understand and tend to agree with. However, many times, my reactions to situations—what people say, or events in the world—will trigger negative thoughts in my mind. That is usually a pattern of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a web of negative thoughts that I get caught in. This is hard to change, erase, or overturn in my mind. How can we best ‘side step’ these negative reactions and maintain a positive self-appreciation, and confidence in our talents and abilities? Is there something we need to practice in order to eliminate or replace such mental patterns, or is it even possible to now change those patterns in our lives?” 5. This question is from California: “You often use the phrase, ‘when you make your death.’ How do you ‘make’ a death? Is there an optimal way to die, and how can one achieve that?” 6. This question is from Virginia: “The FDA has recently approved cloned meat for public consumption. If one is a meat eater, is there a spiritual downside to eating cloned meat?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #254 Feb 2008E-Transcript - #254 Feb 2008 |
4. This question is from California: “I am wondering about panic attacks. How much of it has to do with the health and state of our bodies/brains/nervous systems, and how much to do with our environments. How much has to do with exaggerated fears and thoughts? I know that sometimes all the self-talk and reassuring words don’t always help, but once when I thought the panic was due to a humidity and pressure change it made some sense and that helped.”
5. This is from North Carolina: “What is the best course of action to take when we are in a committed relationship and yet find others attractive? How can we love more than one person and not create problems and upset in our primary relationship? And, a related question is: if we are in a mating relationship and find another one attractive, and our mind starts comparing and wondering if we are with the right one, how can we stop or control this kind of thinking?” 6. This question is from Texas: “It seems that we have all been conditioned to believe only in what we can visibly see in the world, and what we can ‘prove’ in the physical sense. How can we break this habit and learn to believe in the reality of the soul and the reality of God?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #255 Mar 2008E-Transcript - #255 Mar 2008 |
concept of a ‘pain body’ that takes over our consciousness because of the memory of earlier training and negative experiences. That pain body reacts to situations, people, or events in the place of our true self—the one that is connected to Being, or God. My question is this: Why do we seem to want to hold on to the appearance of suffering, rather than see joy, and how can we best give up this habit, or apparent addiction to suffering, so that we can be happy?” 4. Ron and I have been watching a TV show about orangutans. They are amazingly human-like in their behavior. They learn new things from each other, seem to have emotions, and have memories, in the sense that they respond to things that frightened them as a baby orangutan. I know we have asked about animals many times, but is there perhaps more of the soul, or at least intelligence, expressed through the brains of these animals than, say through a cow’s brain? 5. This question is from California: “There are many ways that one could interpret the advent of Spring, and the religious holiday of Easter. What would you say about this time of year to inspire us?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #256 Apr 2008E-Transcript - #256 Apr 2008 |
4. This question is from Massachusetts: “A close friend has a 25-year-old son who enjoyed a normal childhood, only to be diagnosed with a serious mental illness when he was 19. Since that time he has lived at home, basically in his own world, never going outside, other than to doctors' appointments. His parents are very loving, understanding, and supportive. Other people that I know also have children who have major mental illness. Would you speak about chronic, severe mental illness? Is there a soul’s purpose to it? How can we best support these people and their families?” 5. This question is from British Columbia, Canada: “Is it necessary for humans to reach a certain stage of intellectual or physical development before they can create, or have spiritual experiences?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #257 May 2008E-Transcript - #257 May 2008 |
5. This question is from Texas: “My sister, who can perceive auras, saw the presidential candidate, Barack Obama, speak in person. She said that as he was speaking, his aura, or energy field around his body, was solid gold with multi-colored jeweled prisms of light shooting out. I can also see auras, and I have observed that when Ron is speaking for the guides, his aura also turns solid gold. What does this mean? Is this a sign of divine inspiration? Or, are we imagining things and having human distortion?” 6. This question is from Seattle, Washington: “When parents do not belong to a church or spiritual group, besides being a good example to the children, what are some ways that the parents can build a foundation for the children about God and spirituality?” 7. This question is from California: “How would you, the Guides, define a ‘spiritual experience’?” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #258 June 2008E-Transcript - #258 June 2008 |
5. This question is from California: “The Monsanto Company's decade-long research into bio altered foods is beginning to hit the newspapers again. Given the world-wide rise in food prices, and the resulting famines and starvation, many nations are beginning to accept the increased productivity of biotech foods. Is there a difference in the nutritive value of foods produced from biotech seeds, compared to foods produced from traditional farming? What should we know about biotech foods now that they are becoming more accepted?”
6. This question is from Minnesota: “I have heard you describe the transition process between life and death differently for three different people who have died. Is there a common pathway that we all take through death, or, is it different for each person? And, how does any confusion that we die with impact that transition period? Is human confusion or fear in the transition period what the Catholics describe as ‘purgatory’?” 7. This question is from British Columbia, Canada: “Would you please elaborate on the relationship that we each have with our own soul? I really appreciate the way that you explain such concepts with examples and analogies.” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #259 July 2008E-Transcript - #259 July 2008 |
5. This is another question from British Colombia, Canada: “It would be interesting for us to know more about how Ron came to be a conduit for the teachings of the Guides. Would you please describe some important past lives of the ‘Ron-one?’” 6. This question is from California: “For many of us, making attunements, or meditating, often leads to falling asleep. Is there still a benefit in attuning and falling asleep that is different from just having a snooze?” 7. This question is from the State of Virginia: “I read some interesting research about the changing demographics of the world populations. Caucasian people are having fewer children. Some countries have more boy babies than girls. Muslims are moving to what used to be primarily European/Christian countries. Would you comment on what this means in the long term? Will it ultimately result in a more homogenized world? Or, will there ultimately be more separation?” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #260 Aug 2008E-Transcript - #260 Aug 2008 |
5. This question is from Annapolis, Maryland, and it is also related to the brain: “I have been reading about the experiences of Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist, who had a stroke that shut down the left side of her brain. She describes experiencing what she calls ‘Nirvana,’ in which she was not influenced by her ego, and felt that she was one with all the universe. Would you speak about her experience of having no boundaries of her body, lack of ego and ego chatter, and a lack of identification with self? Since one side of her brain was shut down, I am also curious about how the two sides of the brain work in this kind of experience.” 6. This question is from Silver Spring, Maryland: “If a genius such as Mozart comes to earth bringing his musical abilities from previous lifetimes, how is it that he can go so far beyond what he did in previous lifetimes? His music as Mozart in the 1700s was so much more advanced than anything he might have done in a previous life. From where did he get his new musical ideas, and the new tunes that seemed to just pop into his head? How could he hear a whole orchestra in his head when, in previous centuries, there were no such things as the orchestras that existed in the 1700s?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #261 Sep 2008E-Transcript - #261 Sep 2008 |
3. That question made me think of something I wanted to ask. It made me think of a program that we watched where a person fell into a frozen pond and essentially his body flat-lined, his heart flat-lined, his brain. He was essentially dead. But they were able to then bring him back to life later, but he was flat-lined for quite a long time. Where is the personality? Is it kind of hanging around waiting to see what's going to happen, and essentially would leave if the body died, and come back if it didn't?
4. The following three questions are from New York City: "I am interested in knowing what the Guides can tell us about humor. It seems as if it is a double-edged sword. Laughter can be stress releasing, but it can also be at someone's expense. Would you help us see this more clearly?" 5. "Would you talk to us about the situation that we call 'climate change?' What alternative fuels would be most beneficial for us to develop?" 6. "The Guides have been such a positive part of my life that I would like to share my experience with everyone. What is the best way to do that?" 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #262 Oct 2008E-Transcript - #262 Oct 2008 |
5. This question is from the state of Kentucky: "The psychologist William James, in his book, The Varieties of Religious Experience, classifies one form of religious experience as being a 'neuromotor' experience. Some examples of this are Pentecostals speaking in tongues, Shakers shaking their bodies, Sufis whirling in circles, fundamentalists rolling on the floor, and certain meditators hopping on foam pads. Most of these people believe that these experiences are beyond their conscious control, and that God, or the Absolute, is actually controlling their bodily movements. Would you comment on this? Also, how are these experiences different from attunements to the Christ-Force?"
6.This question is from Michigan: "There has been much written and spoken about a great shift in consciousness that is coming for all of humanity, and for the earth as well. Some of us are curious about this, and have listened to, or read the various interpretations. This happens to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar, as well as with many other cycles from various traditions. This shift is predicted to occur around December 21, 2012. It has been called 'The Shift of the Ages,' 'The End of Days,' and also 'The Ascension.' There have been many predictions surrounding this event, ranging from terrible cataclysmic earth changes and chaos, to waking up one morning to a completely different reality that will be heaven on earth, with all of humanity occupying their light bodies. With all of these different takes on what will happen on this day, will it matter if we have tried to remain committed in our daily lives to act and speak with kindness, compassion, and love, and stay open to our eternal beingness? If so, to what extent? Would you please give us guidance from your perspective?" 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #263 Nov 2008E-Transcript - #263 Nov 2008 |
the material just appears spontaneously in consciousness, and many other examples. This appears to be a vast realm of unconscious mental activity going on simultaneously with conscious awareness and thinking. How is this subconscious realm related to the soul?" 4. This question is from Minnesota: "Many of us have regrets in different areas of life, such as our parenting. Even though our mind might know that there is only God, and that our children are spiritual beings and cannot ultimately be harmed, our hearts sometimes feel these painful regrets. What is the best way to deal with such regrets?" 5. Our year ends with many different holiday celebrations, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, to Hanukkah, and others. What is most important about this time, and would you close with an attunement for this end of the year period? |
MP3 - #264 Dec 2008E-Transcript - #264 Dec 2008 |