This 2016 set of Study Group Readings is available on CD, MP3, as an e-transcript or printed transcript.
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January 2016 - Staying Inspired in Troubling Times The following Reading is from a workshop given in Washington, DC in 1993 called “Staying Inspired in Troubling Times.” The questions were created by the participants and asked by Susan Scolastico. OPENING TEACHING 1. How will the millennium changes in economics, technology and relationships affect us as human beings? 2. Is there such a thing as miracles? Are there ongoing examples in the world today? |
3. What beings or energies other than human beings are available to assist the earth transformation for all of us, and how do they assist us?
4. Please give us an attunement for assisting us in realizing our own magnificence and perhaps touching into that which you just described. |
3. The following question is from a woman in her early thirties. She asks: My boyfriend and I have just ended a relationship that was about a year long. I feel is what’s necessary to do is to complete the relationship inside myself so that I can go on with my life and feel fulfilled in myself. However, I find myself hoping that he will see that he loves me and come back and say that he wants to work through his fears with me. Actually, he has rejected me continuously in the relationship. And to me this bolting has been just the, like the ultimate rejection. I feel that I need to focus on my love for myself and I am doing that in my job and new projects and focusing on myself and how I feel about myself and my body and the way I look. Can you tell me what has transpired in our relationship and what I need to do to let go of him? 4. Question Four: The last question is from a woman in her sixties. She says: My crown has many rough edges. One of the larger rough edges is my oldest son. Do you have any light to shed here to help me understand his hostility and how to continue to be patient and not feel rejected? And anything you can suggest with the other three children would be very helpful. 5. The Closing Attunement |
4. The following question is from the wife of the second questioner with the low libido. She is someone who loves physicality and would like an active sex life. Because of her husband’s lack of interest, she has begun to feel unfulfilled and rejected which has resulted in self-criticism, depression and weight gain. She says that she is now taking responsibility for her own physical fulfillment and pleasure rather than wait for it and hope for participation from her partner. She has taken up dancing and putting more music and joy in her life and nurturing myself sensually. She asks the Guides if this direction is the one that is likely to be the most helpful in healing for herself and for her partner, and is there any other place I should look to heal these areas of her personality? 5. Closing Attunement |
2. The next question is from a woman who is about to separate from her boyfriend. She asks how to separate with the least amount of pain, and to make it as beneficial to themselves as possible.
3. This question is from the couple who have had a difference in sexual needs. The male partner asks this question: My wife and I have renewed our agreement to have more physical expression and sexual intimacy in our relationship. What can you tell us about the relationship between food, exercise, physical vitality and our physical and emotional well-being? 4. and Closing: This is the final question. Is there anything else you would like to say about relationships that would benefit this group and others? |
8. Are all spiritual guides the same kinds of beings? And as we ask further questions about the nature of spiritual guides can we assume that your answers apply to everyone’s guides?
9. Would you tell us how we choose our guides before we come into earth? And if we don’t, how do they become our guides? What is our relationship to our guides? 10. Since most people are not consciously aware of spiritual guides what tangible evidence can we find that such guides exist? 11. Many of us have difficulty imagining the non-physical realities, the spiritual guides. Would you help us by telling us what you’re like? Do you have bodies of some kind? What’s the nature of your existence? Do you have death and birth? 12. You’ve mentioned that spiritual guides have been physical human beings in the past. Do guides ever appear in physical form to us now? 13. Can we become guides after we die? 14 and Closing: Finally, would you give us a specific method for communi-cating with our own guides? |
Questions: 1. Because there are so many differing ideas about God, would you discuss a bit more what is God from your perspective? 2. Would you trace the evolution of our spiritual nature or consciousness once the sensory awareness became more of our reality from that point of civilization that you spoke of earlier? How have we evolved in our understanding of God over time and where are we headed with our understanding? 3. Speaking of the time when we as humanity worshiped many gods, was there something in the actual hierarchy of spiritual life that would have prompted the worship of the mythological gods such as Thor and Zeus and so on? 4. Human psychology has taught us certain things about symbols and symbolism. From a spiritual perspective are there deeper understandings that you can give us about symbols and the way they affect our lives as human beings? 5. You said that our understanding of symbols is somewhat immature and our use of symbols is somewhat immature. How can we mature our use of symbols? |
6. How has the advent of television and movies affected our creative imagination and the symbols from our unconscious minds?
Where does our dream symbology come from? 7. Where does our dream symbology come from? 8. How do our past life images influence the present, in terms of the symbols that we are drawn to? 9, As I listen to you speak it seems that anything in our life that is manifest, that is seen, that is physical or material can serve as a symbol to something inside of us, something unseen and hidden. Is that true? 10. Do our Guides or souls speak to us through symbols? If so, what should we be alert for to hear from them? 11 and Closing: Would you close with a guided meditation or method that we can use to help awaken the creative richness within us, and to reawaken that capacity to know God through our intuition and feelings? |
5. So is that true of all of earth, or are there any special power points in the earth where spiritual energy is more intense? If so, where are they and what can we gain if we go to these places?
6. Then what is the truth about the Bermuda Triangle, the place where many planes and ships have supposedly disappeared into the sea? Is this really a strange power point? 7. The following question is taken, with permission, from a personal Reading given in 2008 to a woman in her 80’s. She states: I would like to hear your thoughts on healing. Many years ago I healed my hands of arthritis. Several times, at least four times a day, I’d relax and lovingly affirm that the healing power of God was flowing through my hands, attacking, destroying, devouring and consuming anything and everything unlike itself in my hands. What can you tell me about the process of healing in this manner? To be continued next month…. |
11. Some people believe that gems, crystals and other stones have special powers. Would you comment on this?
12. Many psychics and trance mediums have made various predictions about what will happen in earth life. Some of them have predicted war, famine and other disasters. In this time of such political unrest and international tension, it is easy to believe such frightening predictions. Would you comment on them please? 13. And finally, would you give us a step-by-step method for develop-ing our inner sensitivity so that we might experience expanded realities beyond the ordinary? The Steps The Closing: |
September 2016-“The Purpose of Life and Nature of the Soul” An Original Universal Guidance Reading circa 1982 OPENING TEACHING
1. Would you begin by telling us the purpose of human life on earth? 2. Can you tell us what is the source of this creation, and how can we connect with this source? 3. Will you describe the soul for us and explain the relationship between the soul and the part of us that we experience as our conscious self in the body? 4. Will you describe the relationship between the soul and the unconscious? 5. How can we attune the soul to our body, conscious mind, and unconscious part of us so that all will be aligned? 6. Will you tell us what part of the true self comes into the physical body? 7. Does this entering process take place at birth? If so, how does it work? 8. Why are people born into different races and cultures? 9. How does the purpose of our human soul relate to the physical evolution of earth? 10. Would you expand on that? 11. Do groups of souls ever work together on the same purpose? 12. How do we communicate with one another at the soul level? 13. How could we more effectively use that kind of communication to achieve a better earth? 14. You mentioned earlier our free will. Could you describe the relationship between free will and our purpose on earth. For example, do we choose our place in life and our environment? 15. Then are you saying that there is no such thing as an accident or a coincidence? 16. How does an individual person discover his purpose in life? |
17. Would you amplify on those situations when we feel we don’t have a purpose in life and are confused? Are you saying that we never really permanently lose our way, but just temporarily? What can we do about that to speed up the process to find ourselves once again?
18. Why do people reincarnate many times into earth, and how does this relate to our individual purpose in life? 19. Would you explain the idea of karma and its importance to our purpose in life? 20. Are we to understand that we always have free will to choose when faced with an opportunity to resolve karma? 21. Would you explain the idea of dharma and its importance to our purpose in life? 22. How do we know when we have fulfilled our purpose in a particular lifetime? 23. What happens to the soul and the conscious self at death? 24. Can you speak about other levels where we exist? 25. Are there several levels beyond transition stage for human beings? 26. You mentioned that to fulfill our purpose on earth we need to learn to love. Is it true that once we have done that, that we have learned to love, that we have mastered this plane? 27. You mentioned creating a world of our own on the next plane. Would you tell us the nature of that plane and how do we master the next plane? 28. Many of us believe that we are now at the beginning of a new age in human evolution. Would you explain just what the New Age is and speak of its importance to each individual in earth and to the human race as a whole? 29. Can you give us some evidence of the manifestation of this influence so that our conscious minds could tune into that of which you speak? 30. How can each of us, with our own individual purposes in this new age, contribute to the changes that are taking place? 31 and Closing: Is this pace quickening in some way because many of us fear the possible destruction of the earth? |
October 2016-"Ancient Civilizations" An Original Universal Guidance Reading circa 1982 OPENING TEACHING
1. Would you begin by describing the beginnings of the physical earth, and explain how the first civilizations came into being? 2. What was the most ancient civilization on planet earth? 3. Why did the different races come into being? 4. Would you please speak about the various places about the earth where the ancient civilizations began? 5. Legend tells us how the advanced ancient civilizations some of which you mentioned-Atlantis, Egypt, India, Lemuria and so forth attained a high degree of spiritual and technological advancement. Yet much of the greatness of these civilizations remain shrouded in mystery or disbelief. Would you describe the accomplishments of such civilizations and explain how the knowledge of them was lost? 6. What are our evolutionary connections to these ancient civilizations? 7. Would you tell us about life in Atlantis beginning with the first inhabitation and going through to the destruction? Please speak about their art, their technology, their spiritual knowledge and their everyday life. 8. There has been much interest in stories of crystals to use as power sources in Atlantis. Would you speak about this? 9. Can you tell us of written records of knowledge created at the time of Atlantis? Do any such records still exist, and if so, are we meant to discover and use them? 10. What caused the destruction of Atlantis? Are there any parallels with today’s society? 11. Many people today feel that they lived in Atlantis in the past, and they believe that the misused their power in that time. Thus they now fear to use psychic or spiritual powers in this lifetime. Would you speak about this? 12. Would you describe migrations from Atlantis to other parts of the world? 13. Are you saying that the priests themselves actually went out to these areas with this teaching, or just the people? 14. So would you describe the influence of the Atlanteans upon the civilization of Ancient Egypt. Is that one of the places that they did migrate to? |
15. Would you please tell us about life during ancient Egypt, describing the various practices in art, technology and the spiritual truths that were brought from Atlantis and improvisations upon that?
16. Would you tell us why so many of the New Age people are attracted to the ancient Egyptian civilization? 17. What truths from the Egyptian religions are applicable to us in this time? 18. How were the great pyramids built, and what was their purpose? 19. Was there any other purpose that they were used for at the time, such as for initiations or anything else? 20. Are we meant to remember or uncover truths from Egypt that will be useful for healing or in spiritual or technological advancements? 21. Is there anything that is valuable to us to remember or to begin practicing again from those times in terms of healing or spiritual truths? 22. Can you talk about the different temples in Atlantis and Egypt and explain the purpose of these temples? 23. What, if any at all, part did extra-terrestrials play in these ancient civilizations of Egypt or Atlantis? 24. In ancient India there was a body of knowledge created that is called the Veda. This is supposedly the oldest source of pure knowledge that now exists. Would you speak about the Veda, both the written knowledge and the value of the sound? 25. Do you have any suggestions as to symbols that would be appropriate for our time? 26. What is the role of India in terms of spiritual leadership, both in the past and today. Why do so many great spiritual masters and teachers come from India? 27. Would you speak about the ancient civilizations of South America? 28 and Closing: We would like you to tell us the most important lessons that we need to learn from these ancient civilizations and explain how we can best apply these lessons today? |
November 2016-"Suffering and Despair" An Original Universal Guidance Reading circa 1982 1. Many people believe that if the earth is a creation of God, then God must have created human suffering. Would you begin by telling us what caused this suffering and pain?
2. Was there a time in the beginning of earth when there was no suffering, and if so, how and when did the suffering begin? 3. Are there different causes for mental and emotional suffering such grief, heartbreak or jealousy than for physical suffering due to illness or accident to the body? 4. You mentioned despair though. Is the cause of despair that feeling that all is lost and there is no is no hope in life, is that because of an inability to recognize the good in everything? Is that what you are saying? 5. How can we prevent suffering mentally, emotionally and physically? 6. How can we keep ourselves from falling into despair and feeling that life is hopeless? Is there any program for that? 7. Would this be the same for anyone who has begun to suffer for any reason and want to heal themselves? 8. Some people who have been suffering for a long period of time feel that they have been diminished, or damaged by their suffering. How can they release this feeling? 9. How can we help someone else who is suffering? 10. How can we help someone who is in despair and has lost hope? 11. Do we have a healing energy that can be projected to another person to help them with suffering and despair? How can we use such an energy? 12. What should we do if we feel that another person is causing our suffering? |
13. Would you explain how the sadness of our past experiences in this lifetime relates to our present suffering and despair? 14. How does our suffering our despair from our past lives in earth affect our present life? 15. Would you say something to help those who feel despair because life seems to have no meaning or purpose, for those who go from day to day feeling only heaviness and hopelessness? 16. How would you help those who are suffering because of acts of violence done to themselves or their loved ones, or to help those who have had loved ones killed through acts of violence such as murder or war? 17. What would you say to those who may be happy in their own life, but who feel a great despair when they see the plight of others who are living in poverty, hunger or pain? 18. What can we do when we have tried everything we know to heal our suffering and despair and nothing seems to work? We just end up feeling like a helpless victim in a harsh world. 19. Why are there some people on earth who have rich, fulfilling lives and then there are others who are suffering from great poverty and hunger? 20. Will there be suffering and despair beyond earth after we have died and left our physical bodies? 21. Are we destined to always learn through suffering and pain? Will this always be a part of life in earth, or can we learn in joy and happiness? 22. Will there ever be a time in earth life when suffering and despair no longer exist for anyone and everyone lives in joy? 23. But how can we teach ourselves and others to really believe that this is possible? 24 and Closing: Finally, we would like to ask you to give a specific step by step method for creating joy in our personal lives in place of suffering and despair. |
December 2016-"The Christ-Past, Present and Future An Original Universal Guidance Reading circa 1982 1. The ideal of The Christ as expressed in the person of Jesus of Nazareth has become of great interest to many people in this time, even beyond the traditional teachings of the Christian churches. Would you begin by explaining exactly what The Christ is, and how it is related to the person Jesus of Nazareth?
2. You mentioned that the Christ Force was a portion of the God Force. Can you tell us how that will relate to us as our experience of our own enlightenment into experiencing the Christ Force and the God Force will develop? 3. You were speaking of Jesus of Nazareth and we would like to know why there is such a great interest in Jesus at this time in the New Age? 4. In psychic readings given by the late Edgar Cayce, it was stated that the entity that expressed as Jesus had previously lived as the Biblical Adam, the father of the human race. Would you comment on this and relate it to the Christ? 5. The account of the virgin birth of Jesus as presented in the New Testament has been questioned whether it actually took place in physical reality, or whether it is to be understood as a symbolic teaching. Would you comment on this? 6. We would like to understand more about the person of Jesus. Would you describe how he developed during his childhood and early youth? 7. Was Jesus a part of the mystical community of the Essenes? 8. Is there anything you could tell us about the teachings that Jesus received from these wise men? 9. You just mentioned the Melchizedek. Could you explain more what that is, or what that was? 10. Was Jesus aware of his true purpose during his youth? And if not, when did he gain this awareness? 11. Would you describe the relationship between the Christ and the human personality of Jesus and explain whether this was altered by the baptism of Christ by John? 2015 |
12. How were the disciples chosen by Jesus. And what their daily relationship to him?
13. Did Jesus the disciples mystical or esoteric teachings, and if so, would you describe these teachings and their relationship to our present lives? 14. Many people today are feeling that kind of awakening of love within them and feel often the presence of Jesus or Jesus’s love. Is this being channeled through from Jesus or from the Christ Force at this time? 15. Some people believe that Jesus was not crucified but lived to be quite old in his physical body. Would you comment on this? 16. What was the real purpose of the crucifixion? 17. Has the entity that expressed as the person Jesus ever returned to earth in a physical form, or will he in a future time? 18. Why do so many people at the present time feel that they may have lived a past life during the time of Jesus ? 19. What is the true teaching of Jesus? 20. Very shortly we will be celebrating Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus and the Christ Force that he embodied. Is there anything that you can comment on this celebration for us in this time? 21. Would you comment on the teachings of the Christian churches since the time of Jesus and their purpose in the present time? 22. What is the relationship between the Christ and humanity in the present time, and how does this relate to what has been called the second coming? 23. Do you have any advice or suggestions on how to accomplish this the most efficiently? 24. What will be the relationship between the Christ and humanity in the future? 25 and Closing: Finally, would you give us a way to more fully bring The Christ into our personal expression on earth on a day by day basis? |