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STUDY GROUP READING #157 January 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. Would you give us the next level of information about the nature of our souls and the purpose of life on earth? You have said that the purpose of life on earth is to experience intensity, and that this somehow helps our soul to expand. What is the purpose of expansion? Where is this all leading to, and what are the souls experiencing when they are not in earth? 2. In terms of earth time, how much longer will souls choose to inhabit human bodies? What would cause the souls to stop inhabiting human bodies? 3. What is the impact of the practice of toning and chanting, like that used by the Buddhist monks, or the aboriginal tribes with the didgeridoo, or the western spiritual practice of toning? Does it make an impact on our consciousness or physical healing, and if so, how can we use it more in our daily lives? 4. Genetically engineered foods have been practically outlawed in Europe because they are considered unsafe to eat and a danger to the environment over the long term. Here in the United States, we are only now beginning to sense the potential of danger. Are genetically engineered foods unsafe to eat and a danger to the environment? 5. As we begin the 21st century, some people fear that we are entering a new age of terrorism in our country. What is the best way to protect ourselves against terrorism? Can you give us an approach to help us avoid creating fear and negativity, and to create a protective positive energy around ourselves and others? 6. The computer chip, and thereby the internet, has been such an important invention in the 20th century. Access to the internet is rapidly becoming as common as the television. From a spiritual point of view, what impact has this had, and will have, on the evolution of humanity? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use for the coming month? STUDY GROUP READING #158 February 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. Would you talk about the choices that souls make after completing their earth experience? It seems that if those souls who complete earth move on, then we are left with a lot of confusion and pain without the wisdom of souls who have mastered earth. Shouldn’t they be coming back to help heal the chaos of earth? 2. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived around five hundred years BC Would you speak about him, his soul, and the importance of his role in the spiritual evolution of earth? 3. There are a number of quite virulent strains of the flu sweeping the planet right now. Clearly, because of the ease of widespread travel, these viruses get passed around more quickly, but this year they seem particularly debilitating. Is there something to learn about this wave of illness from a spiritual perspective? 4. Research on the effectiveness of prayer on healing seems to show that unconditional prayers asking for no particular result work better than a specific prayer asking for specific healing for specific conditions. Is this a correct view, or is there more to this? 5. Could I ask then, if we had a friend dying of cancer, what would be the best prayer or best inner way to work with that? 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use for the coming month? STUDY GROUP READING #159
March 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. A serious health problem that many individuals struggle with at this time is obesity. Some statistics indicate that more than half of the people living in the United States are overweight. Individuals often describe themselves as experiencing constant hunger. This leads to further health challenges for many, such as heart disease and diabetes. Would you explain, from both a physical and spiritual perspective, why this has become such a serious problem for so many in recent years? Please give guidance as to how those facing this challenge can overcome it. 2. The technological explosion that is now connecting the globe brings a new era of human communication. Through the internet and wireless technology, individuals can now maintain personal contact anywhere on earth through the written word, sound, and pictures. It is believed that this revolution in communication will have more impact on the way we live than did the Industrial Revolution which totally transformed the economies of the world. Does this technological revolution have any spiritual significance? Does it reflect a new stage in man’s emotional and spiritual evolution, perhaps by manifesting a physical expression of our spiritual oneness? Would you comment on this phenomenon? 3. You, the Guides, have told us that the souls did not intend negativity, but that humans created negativity. Did the souls not understand physical pain that humans experience? How did the souls intend for man to respond to physical pain, emotional pain, damage to our physical bodies, the limitations of the physical world—especially when we have been programmed to forget that we are not our bodies? 4. It seems that it is important to focus our personality selves around an inner center, a core of being that is not affected by the outside world. It is here that one can experience what has been described in religious terms as "the peace that passeth all understanding." Would you comment on this concept of an inner core, or center, and give us some clues on how to find and maintain that place of trust and love? 5. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? STUDY GROUP READING #160 April 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. Why do so many spiritual and creative people struggle financially. From a standpoint of being on a spiritual path already, what practical adjustments and characteristics are needed to make money? 2. This seems to be a period of unprecedented economic prosperity. Is this a major shift to a new economy, or is an economic crash forthcoming? 3. Please describe a step-by-step process to program and use our dreams to give us answers and guidance that we need in our lives. 4. Other than acknowledging, healing, and releasing our deep seated, underlying emotional fear-based issues, what can we do to eliminate our subconscious, mental critic that often springs forth with self diminishing chatter and less than supportive suggestions. Is there, for example, some kind of altered state work that we could do? 5. How does the human personality benefit from having a lifetime with mental disorder such as schizophrenia. Where does choice come into a schizophrenic expression? Is there a choice here? 6. What are the after death experiences and consequences when a person who has believed to have a terminal disease chooses assisted suicide or euthanasia, or just refuses all possible treatment to hasten the death process? 7. Question 6 follow up: What kind of confusion? What do you mean by confusion? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? STUDY GROUP READING #161
May 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. Would you discuss the following biblical quote: "Seek and ye shall find...ask and it shall be given." What is the metaphysical principal here, and how do we ask so that it will be given? 2. When a traumatic accidental death occurs that has been preceded by stark terror, such as going down in a fatal air crash, it is hard to see any benefit for a person having to experience such a death. It seems that the amount of panic and terror involved before perishing would color and distort the death experience in such a way that the personality would be left to grapple with those feelings after death, even though it was an accident that caused those feelings and not their own emotional patterns. Would you shed some light on why people would need to go through such a terrible experience? 3. In reference to the previous question, during such a terrible event, are the individual personalities helped by their souls and guiding ones? 4. Mary Magdalene is the most often mentioned woman in the New Testament, after Mary, the mother of Jesus. Although for most of the last 2000 years she has been described as being a prostitute, modern theologians tell us that there is no actual biblical reference for that at all. All four New Testament writers declare that Mary Magdalene was the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection. Would you tell us about the relationship between her and Jesus? What is her significance spiritually? 5. Is Jesus just like us, except that he was the first to merge with the Christ Force, or, is he different in a way that makes his designation as "The Son of God" meaningful? 6. What existed before the creation of souls, and time and space? In other words, how did the unmanifest, the God force, or God consciousness itself originate? Realizing that this is a very esoteric question, can you give us a simple explanation that we can relate to and understand? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? STUDY GROUP READING #162 June 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. The following question from a Study Group member reflects the feelings of many, so I will leave it in the first person and ask it that way. "I see all of the famine and misery in the world, people who do not have food, shelter, safety, or many material possessions. Almost daily, we are informed about people, especially children, dying of malnutrition and disease, and we are not concerned about that. I then look at all of my possessions, the lack of worry as to my food, shelter, and safety. I see that my country consumes most of the worlds consumer goods. What will be our karma for not being more generous? Wouldn't our lives be more fulfilling and satisfying if we gave more of ourselves and of our possessions and privileges. I am concerned that if I do not do more, and give more of myself, that I am failing, or at least not acting in as larger a capacity as I could. I am worried that if I do not do more, then I will find that in my next lifetime I will have to make up for this lack of generosity. Bottom line: I am feeling guilty for having so much when there are so many others that have so little, particularly in Africa." 2. We are in an era of "instant millionaires." People win money in lotteries, game shows, the stock market, money from law suits. How does that affect their spiritual development? Is there a consequence to gaining prosperity this way? 3. When we are having problems communicating in a relationship due to pain and fears, what can we do besides keep an open mind and heart? Can we communicate telepathically, or resolve things on a higher level, or must it be worked out on the physical level? 4. This next question relates to what you just said. The question is, how do we keep from closing our hearts and distancing ourselves from people when we are hurt or depressed? That is the time when we need others most, yet there is something that makes us withdraw. You just said in the last answer to try to put ourselves in the thoughts and feelings of the other person, to love and understand them. That’s difficult to do because then you lose the opportunity to punish that person. Can you give us some clues and some ideas on how to move past that first very closed heart place where it’s just so difficult to open that place? I think it does have something to do with that feeling of wanting to punish the other person. 5. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
STUDY GROUP READING #163 July 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. Do our guides come to us when we enter this earth plane? Do the guides change as we change, or do we have the same guides throughout this experience? 2. Do we have the same guides throughout our lifetime? 3. What can we learn about life from death? 4. How can we use our time here on earth to maximize what needs to be done for ourselves individually, and for others? 5. How does what we eat affect us? What is the ideal human diet? Are we designed to eat one type of food more than another, for example, protein versus carbohydrates, meat versus vegetarianism? Have we forgotten important foods? Are any foods protective against disease? 6. Regarding the human race, where are we on our spiritual path, and what would the guides like us to know that we might be missing on our spiritual journey? 7. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month . STUDY GROUP READING #164 August 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. This is a follow up to last month’s question about diet. Would you clarify what you mean by "light protein?" 2. In the last Study Group reading, in the closing attunement, you talked about "….celebrating all humans, for the love flows from you to them." One of our Study Group members writes that she is having difficulty reconciling this statement with some of the truly terrible humans who cause pain, misery, abuse, and crimes. She says, "I know these humans are eternal souls, and these terrible things are their ‘actions’ and not their essence, but how do we get past the fact that these humans used their abilities and free will to cause pain to other people? How does ‘love’ flow out of these humans? We are instructed to rejoice in our human pathway. How can these humans, who do terrible things, rejoice in such a pathway? How do the rest of us deal with the fear stirred up by these abusive humans?" 3. Why did humans evolve with different colored skin, and with such different physical characteristics? Can this be explained simply by the differences in weather, living conditions, diet, and so forth? Or, were these differences intentionally created by the souls? Are there spiritual reasons for these differences? 4. In past readings, you have referred to writings made by Jesus of Nazareth that were lost in the fire that destroyed the ancient library of Alexandria. Would you give us some insight into what was contained in those writings? 5. When we feel that we are continually being blocked in something important that we are trying to achieve in the physical world, such as success in a career, how can we tell which of these two factors is involved: (1) our spiritual guides are trying to steer us away from what we are pursuing because it is not for our highest good, in which case we will simply give it up without further striving; or, (2) that we should continue to pursue our goal, with the lesson being to learn to persevere and overcome the roadblocks? 6. In this lifetime, do we pick up where we last left off with relationships from our past lifetimes? Do we start relationships in this lifetime at the same level of confusion and challenge that we may have had in some past lifetimes, or, are we are growing and changing in the intervening lifetimes so that our potential to heal the challenging relationships may be enhanced in this lifetime? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? STUDY GROUP READING #165
September 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. A study group member asks the following question: "I have a very strong intuitive sense that this Study Group with Ron and the Guides has not come about by accident. It seems that it fulfills a very important need for those who have been drawn to it. The Readings from the Guides seem to take us beyond the information that is available in the normal course of studies. From your point of view, was there a decision made by the souls to have this Study Group formed? I understand that we as humans had to exercise our free choice to become a part of the group, but was there an intention on your part to attract those who now make up the Study Group?" 2. Will these teachings live on in earth after Ron and I are gone and still attract people? Will they be imp in the future in earth life? 3. Ron and I, and some Study Group members, have had some unusual, altered-state experiences that we’d like to ask about. Firstly, we’ve had out of body experiences where we seem to be visiting people currently alive, or visiting present places. In some cases, we verified that we were actually seeing real places that we had never before seen physically. It appeared that our awareness was actually there in some form or another. How does this happen, and what part of us is traveling to that distant place? 4. In one of my own (Susan’s) out of body experiences, as I returned to my body, I seemed to pass through a kaleidoscope of color. Was that merely my subjective experience, or is there an actual reality to that? 5. The second altered-state experience we want to ask about is one of visiting the past. Some of us have had experiences, generally in a dream state, of visiting the past of this lifetime and seeing people and places as they were in the past. Yet, we felt like the experience was happening in the present. We felt like the past was existing now. The experience had a different quality to it than the usual dream. It felt quite real. Does the past exist somewhere in a real way in some dimension that’s not just imagination. If so, can that dimension be visited, and for what purpose would we make such a visit? 6. The out of body type of experience, altered state experience, can be enlightening and fun. For those who would like to pursue this kind of thing, without ignoring their earth life, of course, as you said, but who would like to pursue it, is there a technique or a method that you could recommend for the out of body experience? 7. In a recent Study Group reading, while responding to a question which concludes, "What is the karma here?" you say, "First of all, we would say to yourself that thoughts about this idea of karma are usually confused." Would you give us your teachings about karma? 8. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. STUDY GROUP READING #166 October 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. There are several different physical methods for dealing with psychological traumas that have been developed. What are the most effective methods for removing psychological traumas through physical modalities and manipulations? 2. What separates our circumstances in life from each other? Why does it appear that some people are chosen to suffer and others are not? 3. How do we learn to recognize physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering as a spiritual opportunity for healing? 4. Many of the members of the Study Group are writers. We would like to know how we can make ourselves most receptive to wisdom, truth, brilliance, and inspiration that could come through us from the souls and our own inner resources. 5. Knowing that one must accept before we can forgive, how can we accept the unacceptable and then make the leap from acceptance to forgiveness when we have the intent and the longing to? How can we forgive what feels to be unforgivable, both in personal relations with a parent or a mate, and in a larger context of the world? 6. Many people seem to easily come to, or inherently possess, a strong conscious inner knowing of spiritual truth. How can those of us who do not have this, and cannot believe something merely because it makes us feel good, develop this inner knowing? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? STUDY GROUP READING #167
November 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. During times of personal challenge and difficulty, religious teachers, as well as ancient texts, often tell us to "give our problems over to God." This is an appealing suggestion, however, it does present us with a conflict. Human experience teaches us that if we are in a crisis of any kind, we are likely to remain in it if we are simply passive and do nothing. Given that we are living a physical existence, it seems that taking some action in the world is usually the most effective and most immediate thing we can do to resolve a crisis. Since we seem to no longer be living in an age of miracles, how can we best "give our challenges over to God?" 2. One of our Study Group members feels that you often make many positive references to intellectual pursuits and accomplishments, and you rarely make reference to physical labor or clerical type work. She wants to know if intellect is a part of higher spiritual awareness. What about spiritual people who are not brilliantly educated, but hold simple bread and butter jobs? Are intellectual achievements valued by the souls more than the simple life? What about people who have failed at intellectual achievement? 3. You have said that splitting our male and female energies is like being a parent that is too busy to give attention to more than one child at a time. What are some focal points that would assist us in enhancing our abilities to use both male and female energies, to both think and feel simultaneously in our everyday conscious awareness? 4. You said in a recent Study Group reading that, although very complex, it is actually possible to change the past. Would you tell us in a general way how this could be done? If we were able to change a particular incident in our past, would it completely wipe out what originally had occurred, including erasing any learning we had attained from that event, or would both versions of the event somehow exist in our memories? How would one know if it were truly beneficial to change the past? 5. Today, the divorce rate is hovering around 50%, thus there are many children who spend time with two parents, but not at the same home. A recent study suggests that the damage of divorce is irreparable, even if the two parents are mature about it and get along for the sake of the children. These studies intimate that, for our children’s sake, it is better for the parents to remain in a loveless marriage. Please give us some guidance on this issue. How can we help our children from divorced families grow into well adjusted happy adults? 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? STUDY GROUP READING #168 December 2000 OPENING TEACHING 1. Is it possible to know what our future lives on earth will be? Can we know where we will incarnate, and who we will come back as, since we will have no memory when we come back? If we cannot know about our future lives, why is that? 2. At the recent spiritual retreat in Malibu, you said that when we leave earth as a human with negativity there is a dark cloud of energy that hangs on the earth that must be released by the entity that caused it. Therefore, a soul returns to earth choosing a life that presents experiences that make it possible to release the negative energy by new opportunities to learn and grow. Next, we understand that on the "other side" we spend time learning and growing, from our past life, from all lives, and from each other’s experience. This indicates that we must have some type of growth on the other side. Do we carry that growth and understanding with us into the next human life, or, do we return into earth with no more knowledge than when we left? 3. In a recent personal reading for a Study Group member, when asked about the reason for, and purpose of "miraculous" events, you said that because of some complex interweaving of human energy patterns that are intended to play out within the realm of space and time, certain soul-desired plans would be adversely affected if a particular human choice was allowed to go forth. But, you have also repeatedly said that we are eternal beings, impervious to the limitations of space and time, and that we have forever to work out patterns. He would like you to clarify this apparent contradiction and expand on the true purpose of miraculous soul intervention in human affairs. 4. We wish to ask about the Biblical story of Jesus’ anger in the temple (when he drove out the money changers). Did this happen as described in the Bible? If so, was this anger an expression of his human side? What meaning or teaching does this have for us? 5. You have said that joy and love are the human experiences that come closest to the energies of God. For this Holiday season, would you please expand upon this? 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |