This set of Study Group Readings is available on MP3 or as an e-transcript.
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January 1998 Opening Teaching 1. You have often encouraged us to take time to meditate. What is the actual value and benefit of meditation? There must be millions of people in the world who do not meditate and who live perfectly good lives. If a person does not meditate, does God or their soul really care? 2. Is there any basis in truth for the traditional Christian concept of Hell? How did the people who formulated this teaching come up with the idea of Hell? 3. So that became the concept of Hell? Are you saying that the negativity was the concept of Hell? 4. In other readings, you have given some very mystical teachings about how we all express in four different areas at the same time. You describe those as: (1) expressing as an individual human being in physical form; (2) expressing in family and social groups with other human beings that we know; (3) belonging to larger groups that include human beings we do not consciously know but who are connected to us by magnetic energies and impulses; and (4) being an eternal soul while we are temporarily expressing in human form. You have spoken of these symbolically as circles within circles. Would you elaborate on these teachings for the benefit of the Study Group? 5. We are curious to know the difference between the after-death experience of an average person, and the after-death experience of someone who appears to be evil. For example, a person such as a Hitler, who has chosen to act in ways that cause great harm to others. Using Hitler as a dramatic example, would you tell us what he experienced after his death, and compare that to the after-death experience of an average person? 6. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month.
July 1998
Opening Teaching 1. We would like to begin with two questions from one of our Study Group members who is struggling to understand your teachings. The first one is: You have taught that our personalities are projected into the physical body by the soul in the form of what you call the "personality matrix," which is basically a nonphysical energy structure created by the soul. Considering that identical twins have similar personality characteristics, even when reared separately in different families, and that personality changes occur in conjunction with physical brain injury, stroke, drugs, Alzheimer's disease, and many other disorders, it appears that the personality and mind are genetically, not spiritually, determined. It seems that they are functions of the physical brain, not aspects of a spiritual energy matrix. How do you reconcile your teachings with these facts? 2. The second question is: Sometimes extremely negative experiences of severe and protracted suffering happen to certain persons-such as physical torture, horrible painful disease, and so forth. Such extreme suffering is inherently dreadful and terrible to human beings regardless of any spiritual explanations or perspectives of the soul. Your teaching is that the soul and God itself are the essence of pure and unconditional love and infinite power. It is clear that God and the souls do not prevent these dreadful human experiences, or intervene in them in any observable way. In the face of this, it seems that the love referred to in your teachings is irrelevant and incomprehensible from the perspective of a human being in the physical world who is suffering. 3. You have often said that none of our feelings on earth can damage our souls. Can our behavior damage our souls under certain circumstances? How about our thoughts? Is there anything that can damage our souls? 4. Many spiritual people in the West now look to Eastern religions in an effort to find God. One of the strongest appeals in Buddhism and Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation, while popular Western Judeo-Christian tradition makes no reference to it at all. Since Jesus based his teachings on a Jewish foundation, and added far-reaching knowledge about eternal truths of his own, it seems inconceivable that neither would mention people living multiple lives. Why was reincarnation not part of Jesus' teaching, or of the Judeo-Christian religious tradition? 5. Some say to believe in reincarnation would make this life seem unimportant. What is the benefit of believing in past lives? 6. You have said that our personal spiritual guides "walk in our hearts" throughout our lifetimes, but they can change when the needs of our personality and/or soul change due to breakthroughs or dramatic life-choice shifts. Do we keep our original spiritual guides throughout our entire physical life, or are new ones added as our choices and needs change? 7. Are there occasions where the souls of a person's mother or your father, or someone they love dearly in this lifetime, might join the guiding souls to guide the person through the rest of this life? 8. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month.