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Please note that these early recordings (1987 through 2001) were made on cassette tape and later transferred to digital format.
STUDY GROUP READING #37 January 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. As you mentioned, the beginning of each year marks a new beginning. What about the beginning of a new century? As we enter the last decade of the twentieth century, there is a lot of speculation about what this means. In metaphysical circles, people talk of earth changes, energy changes and so on. The calendar is man made. Is the transition from the twentieth to the twenty first century a spiritual event of great magnitude, or will growth and changes occur they way they have been. 2. I want to ask about these unconscious patterns or stimulations you are speaking about. I'm presuming that they are influenced by the souls and by the more positive divine forces. How do we ``invite'' these stimulations or patterns through the threshold of matter into our daily life? What would be the process of inviting them? 3. Would you please elaborate on what you mean by ``working with and healing negative patterns?'' I can understand bringing them up. When we say, ``I am healing my negative patterns,'' what does that exactly entail? Is there more to it than just crying and talking about the negative patterns? Where does the healing come in? 4. Looking at the recent newspaper, TV and magazine stories that we are constantly fed, we see many negative themes and events, which makes it difficult to find much evidence for any truly positive trends in human life. Even though there now appears to be some positive trends in political developments in many European countries and the Soviet Union, we find it difficult to see significant positive trends, especially in the U.S.--we're now fighting with Panama. Surely there must be some even though we don't see them. Can you help us identify them? 5. How do other great spiritual leaders such as Buddha, Mohammed and so on compare to Jesus Christ as to the impact on humanity of their lives and teachings? 6. Many animals and birds are in danger of becoming extinct due to loss of habitat, pollution, being hunted, etc. Is it natural for some species to be lost as the human population expands? Should an attempt be made to save our wildlife even if they exist only in places like zoos? 7. Speaking of animals, why is it that they seem to know about earthquakes sometimes hours before they occur? Do we have the same ability of perception, perhaps latent? 8. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. STUDY GROUP READING #38 February 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. There are many changes going on in the world that seem to be moving us toward the world peace that we pray for. Have these changes been influenced by the world meditations, prayers and peace meetings that have been taking place over the past 10 years? 2. This question is about people whose bodies are basically useless, old people who are senile, extremely ill and whose lives seem to be over. From the soul's point of view, why would somebody continue to live in that state? Often they no longer wish to live, yet do not die. Why would their soul allow them to continue living? 3. In alcohol abuse circles, alcoholism is labeled as a disease, and is considered to be hereditary. It does seem to run in families. Would you comment on the cause of alcoholism. 4. Regarding addictions--besides the physically addictive substances such as alcohol and drugs, many negative behaviors are now being labeled as addictions, such as sexual addiction, sugar, negative thinking, gambling, you name it. Would you discuss this area? 5. When negative feelings are pushed down or ``swallowed,'' are they stored in the physical body? When these feelings rise to the surface, must they be released through the physical body in order to be healed? 6. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. _STUDY GROUP READING #39
March 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. Since love plays a central role in our lives, could you tell us more about what you mean when you use the word? What is love? 2. To follow up on question #1...could you give us some help in a way to think about people. Sometimes we can think that altruistic, divine love and other times we read or hear about people that seem really evil, bad and naturally we get frightened. It's at those times that it's difficult to feel that sense of love. How can we change our thinking and touch into that feeling of love at times like those. 3. There is a current movement telling people that many women in the country are too "co-dependent" -- too care-taking of their loved ones. You have said that the truth is that we are on earth to give to others and care for them. How do we decide when we are doing too much for another person to the point that they do not grow? 4. There are people in the world who grow up in a society engaged in war such as in the middle eastern countries. These children grow up viewing violence, hatred and death almost daily. I heard one psychologist say that it is creating a country of psychopaths who have been unable to bond with anyone because of the constant fear and terror. What kind of long term effect will this have on these people? Why would they choose to incarnate in such a place? 5. Alzheimer's Disease is a kind of senility that causes severe memory loss, mental disorientation and so forth. Although people do have it at a younger age, a recent survey shows that a large percentage of people in their 70's and 80's have it. What causes Alzheimer's Disease? 6. Can you give us a way to enhance and develop our psychic abilities? What could we reasonably expect to accomplish and experience from such development? 7. You have said that our souls specialized in various areas while creating earth. What are some of those areas and how can we feel which one we might have been involved in as a focus of our soul? 8. Please give us an attunement to use during the coming month. STUDY GROUP #40 April 1990 From a Los Angeles Workshop, added on to monthly reading: Contagious environmental conditions appear to cause the flu, colds, even AIDS. And on a larger scale we see our environment growing ever more challenging to our physical bodies. Pollution, disease, environmental deterioration, all appear to be accelerating. How are we to deal with these conditions on a day to day basis? Are we physically susceptible to these environmental conditions, or can we become immune to them based upon our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs or even life decisions. And finally, can you give us an attunement to better help us deal with these conditions in our lives? Study Group: 1. Would you talk about the dynamics of guilt? How can we work with pervading thoughts that we have done irreparable damage to someone, and feelings of badness about that? What is the best way to heal guilt? 2. Some people believe there is an energy in the body called Kundalini and that bringing it up from the base of the spine to the top of the head is an important part of the Enlightenment process. Some people also describe some pretty dramatic physical and emotional occurrences as evidence of this process, from flu-like symptoms, to extraordinary sexual experiences, to heart attack symptoms and even what's called a Buddha belly, where the stomach expands resembling pregnancy. This supposedly is a sign of being full of spirit. Are such occurrences really signs of expanded awareness, or are they the result of an overactive imagination? And is the raising of the Kundalini energy an important part of our spiritual growth? 3. (Referring to question #2) Would the expanded sexual experiences come from hormonal input that you were describing? 4. There is a large fundamentalist Christian movement in this country. They seem to have a lot of influence politically, and in general, they are judgmental and condemn "New Age" ideas as being of the devil. How did the teachings of Jesus as we understand them become so distorted, and what is the personality or spiritual structure of people who have such a strong, literal belief in the Bible? 5. (Referring to question #4) Are there any kind of generalizations about people who would be drawn to this way of thinking as far as their past lives, such as being in the Crusades? Is there any kind of cohesive past life connection with them? 6. A person who lives in Canada and was visiting the USA made the comment that this country, the United States, is a cruel country, that we don't take care of our sick, our elderly, and our poor. That seems like a fairly accurate judgment. Are our government policies a reflection of the consciousness of the people? If so, what has happened to us that has caused us to create such an insensitive society? 7. (Referring to question #6) And what is the prognosis for this ailment of ourselves? 8. So would you say at this point in our history, the best thing that we as individuals can do is to heal our own fear and help those around us do the same? 9. Please close with an attunement for us to use during the month of April. _STUDY GROUP #41
May 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. Ryan White recently died of AIDS at age 18. A hemophiliac, he had contracted AIDS through blood transfusions. He seemed to be an exceptional person with a great deal to teach to many. He touched many people with courage beyond his years. What can you tell us about Ryan, his family and the intentions of his soul? 2. Almost everyone knows someone who has AIDS or has died of AIDS. To be diagnosed with AIDS or HIV positive, sounds like a death sentence and strikes fear in the hearts of most people. What attitudes can we hold about AIDS that will help us understand it and to work with our fear. 3. About living through the fears--sometimes people feel that they need to maintain a positive attitude and if they really let themselves go into the fear of major illness, especially if they have a major illness, that it will exacerbate the illness and make it worse. From what you're saying, that's not true. Would you say more about that? 4. You've said that the soul decides when to withdraw the personality from earth that becomes the time of our death. Does the personality have anything to do with its death or is it always the soul's choice? 5. Death seems like such a major decision to us as humans. In the case of the woman you were talking about whose soul intended for her to live to her 90's but in her haste stepped out in front of an automobile and was killed, was there some part of her personality that made that choice on some level? It's hard to believe that would just be a random accident. 6. From the earth point of view, it is difficult to think of our soul as being anything other than an extension of our personality self. Can you give us a description of our soul? How can we most accurately conceptualize it? 7. Some people believe that disincarnate entities that are earthbound can attach themselves to us, influencing our emotions and thoughts. They say they are attracted by the use of drugs, alcohol, excessive sexual behavior, intense negative feelings and so on. Would you discuss this idea and how it works from your perspective? 8. So, even if one gives up their strength and power through excessive drug use or alcohol, an entity still could not attach to them? 9. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. STUDY GROUP #42 June 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. It seems that many people love the movies these days, as is demonstrated by the billion dollar business that has grown up around films and television. Would you comment on this fascination that we have with film. Are movies just a superficial entertainment and distraction, or are there deeper purposes for developing such a powerful communication medium? 2. When a beloved one is dealing with tough negative patterns, such as depression, how do those that love this one support them, deal with their behavior that may feel hurtful, and still maintain our own boundaries while loving them? 3. How can we decide when it is best to move deeper into our negative feelings in order to heal them, and when it is best to not give in to negative thinking or give power to negative feelings? 4. For those of us in monogamous, committed relationships, or seeking such a relationship, would you talk about the role of sex in our spiritual growth together? 5. One of our study group members recently returned from a trip to India. She was concerned about the living conditions--poverty, class system and corruption there. What can you tell us about India, and what types of souls choose to be born there? 6. What is the best answer to give someone who says there can't be a God if there is such poverty, suffering, inhuman acts between humans, disease, and so forth, in the world? 7. You often use the phrase ``mastering earth.'' Would you speak more about that and what that means? 8. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. |
STUDY GROUP READING #43 July 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. The issue of euthanasia and assisted suicide has been in the news lately. In this country, we have laws against euthanasia, but when a person is terminally ill and in constant pain and going to die anyway, euthanasia seems like a logical thing to do for them. Many people feel that euthanasia is bad. What is the best view for us to take here? 2. The consequence then, is a result of the attitude of the person before they die. Is that correct? 3. What about the doctors who perform euthanasia? From their point of view as a soul, is it their attitude that's going to determine whether they feel like they need to come back to meet the challenge? In Sweden, I believe, euthanasia is quite accepted. 4. I recently spoke with an intelligent young man of 21 who was expressing his fears about serious illness. He feels that life is a crap shoot and you have to live not knowing if cancer, a stroke, heart attack and so on, will eventually strike you down. Has all the media attention on illness served to frighten us and draw our attention to negativity? What can we say to comfort such a person? 5. As our bodies grow older, they seem to slowly disinigrate. Yet during a recent reading, you mentioned that contrary to popular thinking, our bodies continue to grow. Would you please clarify this? 6. Can you give us a method or an attunement to enhance these forces through our will? 7. Some meditation systems teach that we can extend our life span to 200 or 300 years. Is this possible? If it is, how would it be done? 8. In some countries, old people are venerated and taken care of. In this country, at this particular time, old people are sometimes seen as a nuisance and, unless they have money, are not well taken care of. What has caused this kind of attitude and do you see it changing? 9. We are in an interesting era right now. On the one hand, we're having an upsurge in our thinking that says that our minds can heal. There are many books on the subject and we're learning about using our inner forces for healing. On the other hand, scientifically, we have incredible research and scientific development of drugs to heal, of machines to heal. Can you shed some light on this subject? How can these two areas work together? Is one a better way to work than the other? 10. Some people feel that personalities born today are more enlightened than in the past. Is this actually true, that the babies of today are more aware and enlightened? 11. Please close with an attunement to use during the coming month. STUDY GROUP #44 August 1990 The following reading was done at ``An Evening With The Guides'' in the Los Angeles area, February, 1987. It includes an opening teaching, questions, and a closing. 1. How can we be more open to our Guides so that we can use our gifts with people more effectively? And why are they presenting themselves at this time, and what are their purposes? 2. Will getting closer to our Guides help us to positively affect what's happening in the world? If so, how can we do this? 3. To what degree do we have freedom of choice, or to what degree do we come into our lives with a plan to meet certain people and experience certain events? 4. Are there real differences between men and women in terms of the way they think and feel, or is it a structure that we have created? 5. Could you talk on the issue of money and wealth and its importance, or the special importance we place on it, and how we can heal the fears of not having enough. _STUDY GROUP READING #45
September 1990 OPENING TEACHING We would like to devote most of this month's reading to world events. First of all, the crisis in the Persian Gulf, caused by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. 1. This crisis could possibly lead to war. Why is such a potentially destructive event taking place at this time? Is there a deeper significance to this, from the souls' point of view? 2. Many different sources have prophesied that there will be a great deal of unrest in the Middle East that could lead to world war, some say to the end of the world as we know it. What would you say about these predictions from sources such as the Book of Revelations, the writings of Nostradamus, Fatima, and Edgar Cayce? 3. Many people are seeing the world response to Iraq's invasion as the beginning of a new order of world cooperation. For the first time, the United Nations is taking a unified stand against a maverick nation. Would you comment on what this means for the future of the world? 4. The United States seems to be taking on the role of "watch dog" for the world community. Is this some kind of Karmic agreement made by the souls living in the United States, or, are we simply meddling too much in the world's affairs? 5. Many people in the United States feel that people in the Arab nations are fanatical and irresponsible. They are starting to see the Arabs as the "bad guys" on the world stage. Some study group members have asked why this appears so, and are Arab people less evolved than highly civilized cultures, such as the Japanese, for example? 6. Another study group member is struggling with some issues of race. She is a mature woman, who is Caucasian, and her daughter is dating a Black man. She finds the man to be very caring and intelligent, yet, in spite of her belief that all people are equal in the sight of God, and her metaphysical beliefs that the inner person is the important thing, she finds herself troubled and uneasy about her daughter's relationship with this man. What would you say to people in this woman's situation? 7. From a spiritual point of view, is one of humanity's long term goals the blending of all of the different races into one single race? 8. Many people are worried about the impact of the savings and loan scandal on our economy. Would you tell us why this scandal occurred, and what will be the result of it on our future, socially and economically. 9. Would you please close with an attunement that we can use for the coming month? STUDY GROUP READING #46 October 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. You will hear the first question before the actual Oct. Study Group Reading begins. Someone asked it in a workshop we held in September. It was a wonderful answer that spoke to issues we can all relate to. Question: I moved from New York 16 months ago and I felt very guided to move, specifically to Los Angeles and specifically for my acting career. Since I've been here, the transition has been very difficult. I've had a car accident, I've had another car stolen. The people I live with are getting a divorce. I live with a very depressed person, and I don't like my jobs, and I can't afford to move. I'm most concerned about my living situation and my acting career. Can you tell me what corrections I need to make and how to make them to get the joy back in my life? 2. One question about your opening when you mentioned the unconscious energies--do they have to do with patterns from past lifetimes, and if so, can you give a percentage of how much impact they have on us in this lifetime as to the personality traits and such that we would lean toward? 3. The two major forms of energy that we as humans have harnessed are fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, and nuclear energy. We are just beginning to learn how to use the sun's energy. Certainly in the case of fossil fuels, there are fears of the energy running out. Which energy sources are most conducive to the health of our earth and human bodies, and are there energy sources that have not yet been discovered or tapped? 4. It seems that the quality of honesty is up for interpretation these days. From ``white lies'' to major scandals, individuals justify dishonest behavior in one way or another. Is honesty a black and white question--either you are or you aren't? Is there a spiritual consequence of being dishonest? 5. When living in crowded living situations such as congested cities or large apartment buildings, do our minds become a little mixed up? Do our brains get ``fried'' from too much input? 6. It seems clear that we don't have the whole story about John F. Kennedy's assassination. Now there is a man who claims his father was part of a CIA plot to kill Kennedy. There are many conspiracy theories, such as the theories about Mafia involvement, and much conflicting evidence in the case has been brought to light. What can you tell us about Kennedy's assassination? What was his higher purpose in allowing himself to be killed in that way at that time? 7. Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. _STUDY GROUP READING #47
November 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. In an answer to a recent question, you said that healing all our fears perfectly will not happen for any human being presently alive in this generation. If this is the case, what then is the highest aspiration we can realistically hope to achieve in our lives? 2. Please discuss the native American sweat lodge. What is its purpose spiritually; who would benefit most from its use today, and how would you recommend its use? 3. What happens in that magic moment when another person hears our feelings, understands and accepts that what we say is true? There is such wholeness and peace in this, do we assume correctly that it is an overt awareness of the force of God? 4. Probably everyone has lost a loved one to death. Sometimes it is expected, sometimes not. Always it is painful. Why did we create the experience of death to appear so final and the veil between life and death so opaque? Why could we not have allowed for vision into the afterlife? It would have spared us so much pain, fear and sorrow. 5. Would you talk about an illness that is relatively common--that of arthritis. What is its cause, emotionally and spiritually, and how can it be healed? 6. Our world is growing more polluted daily. How much does living in a polluted, chemically infused environment affect our physical bodies in comparison with the affect of our emotional environment on our bodies? 7. It seems like convoluted thinking to me to attempt to censor sexual behavior on television, yet let violence be shown in graphic detail. If the purpose of monitoring the showing of sexual behavior is because it will influence children to behave in a like manner, doesn't it stand to reason that showing violence would also cause children to behave in a like manner? If sexual activity is obscene, isn't killing and maiming? Would you comment? 8. November is the month of Thanksgiving in the United States. Would you talk about the ``attitude of gratitude'' and how that attitude affects us and our ability to create a happy life? Please close with an attunement for us to use this month. STUDY GROUP READING #48 December 1990 OPENING TEACHING 1. As we enter the Holiday season this year, it is a time in our history of triumphs and also great challenges. You've just spoken about dealing with challenge in a personal way. Would you speak to us and reassure us as a civilization of the rightness of the way we're moving, and inspire us as a race? 2. How can one best integrate Santa Claus into teaching children about the spiritual values of Christmas? 3. You have mentioned that many of us in the study group have lived in the time of Jesus Christ. Do our feelings about Christmas whether joyful or depressed have anything to do with our past life experiences during that time? 4. Would you remind us of what the birth of Jesus represents in the eternal scheme of things. 5. What was the baptism of Jesus about? Would you explain the symbolism of baptism for Jesus? Is there a parallel that we could recognize in our lives today? 6. Jesus' life seemed to be a metaphor for learning to love no matter what circumstances life brings. Did Jesus experience fears, and if so, how did he deal with them? 7. How have we as spiritual beings in earth evolved in the 2,000 years since Jesus was here? 8. What is Jesus or his soul doing now? 9. Can you tell us something about Jesus that we perhaps don't know that would be inspirational for us? 10. Please close with an attunement for the month of December. |