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4. This question is from Oregon: “Millions of people around the world have been saddened by the death late last year of Australian wildlife conservationist, Steve Irwin. He was beloved by children and their parents who watched his television programs. They were inspired by his great love for wildlife, his courage, his non-stop energy, his devotion to his wife, his deep love for his children, and the kindness he showed to those he encountered. He truly seemed extraordinary on many levels, and went beyond the boundaries of what most humans accomplish in a single lifetime. Would you give us a deeper understanding of Steve Irwin, his soul's purpose, and his contribution to the world?”
5. This question is also from Oregon: “Most of the world's religions express a belief in some kind of satanic, evil force that exists outside of our human experience. That is not my belief, however, I would like to have a greater sense of truth about evil, and our choice to give it strength or not. Would you provide information that will give us a deeper understanding about what is known as the devil?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month, and include a focus for the new year, 2007? |
MP3 #241 Jan 2007E-Transcript #241 Jan 2007 |
5. This question is from Washington: “In last month’s Reading when you spoke about Australian wildlife conservationist Steve Irwin who recently died, it seemed as though his series of past lifetimes had a ‘theme’ of sorts. Also, in past Readings about famous people, there seemed to be such themes. Do our lives on earth follow a pattern, or a certain theme? For example, are there souls who enter earth intending to focus on medicine throughout many lifetimes, or music, or politics, or even personal themes such as poverty, wealth, complexity, or other such focuses? Or, do each life’s choices lead to the next soul decision on what the entry criteria may be?”
6. This question is from Oregon: “There is a proliferation of new statistics about the incredible spiraling rise in population in our country as a result, largely, from high rates of immigration. The toll that the spiraling population rise is likely to take on our environment is already being seen, and is predicted to cause severe degradation of the environment and quality of life here within the next 30 years. It seems our country is more resistive to taking action to recycle, limit population, and protect the environment. We do even less than most European and Asian nations. Little is being done about global warming. Even though you often remind us that life on earth is temporary, it is hard not to feel despair over our individual lack of power to do much about this in any significant way. It is hard not to despair about what our children will be facing due to our nation’s inaction about these pending disasters. Would you give us suggestions for how to deal with our despair, and our tendency to feel powerless over how little we can control these problems?” 7. This question is from California: “In many readings you have said that humans live within time and space, and that the souls live outside of time and space. Is it possible for humans to have an experience outside of time and space? If so, how would that be done?” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #242 Feb 2007E-Transcript - #242 Feb 2007 |
5. This question is from Florida: “In some past Readings you have said that Christians and Jews, and others, have misinterpreted the religious writings that they have from the past. You have said that they believe those writings to be the ‘word of God,’ when actually they are words created by humans. Would you tell us how a true religion can be formed to replace all this dogma?” 6. This question is from Minnesota: “Your bottom line message to us has been, and continues to be, about kindness, compassion, and love. If we were to totally commit our lives on earth to embodying kindness, compassion, and love, what would that look like? Would we be smiling and happy all the time, and be free of all negativity? Would we never get angry, sad, disappointed, or hurt? How can we live our lives in kindness, compassion, and love, and still live as humans with the full range of human experience?” 7. This is from California: “We live with ‘threat’ hanging over us, such as the threat of the next illness, of war, of loss, and so forth. The Buddhists say, ‘Suffering is a promise that life keeps.’ If there were not threat and suffering, would people become too mired in the physical world and not search for spiritual meaning?” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #243 Mar 2007E-Transcript - #243 Mar 2007 |
4. A Study Group member in North Carolina is confused about the answer to last month’s question about “the law of attraction.” He writes: “While I clearly understood the Guides’ response, I was left with an ‘incomplete’ feeling regarding the answer. At a few times in my life, I seem to have brought about a miraculous change through a profound commitment, and a new vision of how I wanted life to be. The result easily ‘showed up,’ even though I did have to step into the action ‘presented’ before me. I like what the German poet and philosopher, Goethe, said: ‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.’ My question is: does making a heartfelt ‘commitment’ shift energy patterns so that opportunities requiring action come into being which might not have occurred had we not made the commitment?”
5. This question is from Minnesota: “If God, or our spiritual guides, do not intervene in human situations, or manipulate the physical world, what explains the phenomenon when something happens and someone says, ‘There's no logical reason for this happening. It must be God.’ For example, my father's medical doctors all say that there is no medical reason that he should still be alive, yet he is still alive and somewhat functioning. It is hard to argue with my sister who says, ‘It's God who is keeping him alive for some purpose that we don't know.’ Would you provide some insight here?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #244 Apr 2007E-Transcript - #244 Apr 2007 |
4. Our next question is from the state of Kentucky: “In the April Study Group Reading you stated that humans can manifest miraculous events in their bodies and lives if they have the will and dedication to study and train for many years. Would you elaborate on this? Specifically, what kinds of study and training are involved? What level of dedication is required?”
5. This question is from Oregon: “Animals have long provided great comfort to humans. Indigenous people all over the world have considered animals to be human self-discovery teachers in specific ways. For example, according to some Native American tribes, eagles represent courage and a connection to spirit. I would like to know if such beliefs are human fantasy and imagination, or did the souls create animals to help us learn more about how we can be better humans? And, do animals re-incarnate?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #245 May 2007E-Transcript - #245 May 2007 |
3. Bear with me on this next question because I’m sort of thinking aloud, but I am wondering if this ancient memory of when we could fly in and out of our bodies is at the root of Eastern teachings that emphasize detachment, divesting yourself of material attachments as a way to enlightenment? I am wondering if that is actually at the root of those teachings, and if so is it practical today? 4. From Tacoma, Washington: “The story of Noah and the ark isn't quite believable with all the animals and people in one ship repopulating the earth. However, there is evidence that there was a world-wide flood in the past. What was this tale of Noah and the ark supposed to teach in biblical terms? Was there a person Noah, and was there anything close to what the Bible teaches about this flood?” 5. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #246 June 2007E-Transcript - #246 June 2007 |
4. Your answer to the previous question makes me wonder, do we incarnate into a specific culture maybe not only to reconnect with people that we love, but also to learn certain patterns that might be expressed in a culture such as the Asian cultures that perhaps do not emote as much? Do we incarnate into say into the United States in order to learn more about feelings and emotions?
5. This is a question from Pennsylvania: “After many readings from the Guides I find myself directing my thoughts and prayers to my Guides rather than to God, thinking that my Guides are a more direct connection to my source of support in this life. Occasionally I talk to my soul, but that can feel redundant. When we pray, are there a difference between praying to our Guides rather than God, as if we are speaking to one of the king’s ministers rather than speaking directly to the King. Or, are our thoughts and prayers received everywhere in the heavens and to the same degree?” 6. This question is from New York: “Sometimes I look at the physical body with pure amazement. The way that all of the complicated systems work together perfectly is nothing less than a miracle. You have said that the souls created physical bodies. Would you tell us how the souls were able to do that?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #247 July 2007E-Transcript - #247July 2007 |
4. This is from South Carolina: “In the Book of Genesis in the Bible, there is a list of people who supposedly had a very long lifespan, including Methuselah who was described as living more than 900 years. Then it says, ‘Enoch then walked with God instead of dying.’ What does that mean? Who was Enoch? Did he exist? And how was the end of his incarnation different from other people of that time?”
5. You said that in ancient times the human self would simply use another body. Now the body dies, we reincarnate and use another body. So is the difference between the ancient past and now simply a matter of awareness? SUSAN: So I am presuming that it wouldn’t be possible for us now to live 900 years?” 6. This is from Kentucky: “Some of us practicing the Christ Force attunement as described in Ron’s new book, The Mystery of The Christ Force, are having experiences of unity, clarity, expansion, and completeness. Are these sublime feelings all ‘in our heads,’ so to speak? What is the soul-mind-body process that is occurring during these attunements?” 7. Every now and then there is a message, or a movement for everyone to pray or to meditate at the same time of day—everyone in the world, or who hears the message—to pray or meditate at the same time of day to further world peace or enlightenment. How does that help us, as opposed to everyone who may be praying or meditating on a daily basis at various times of the day? Is there an added benefit to that kind of focus? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #248 Aug 2007E-Transcript - #248 Aug 2007 |
4. This question is from Houston, Texas: “You have said that in the beginning of life on earth, the only energy was the perfect love energy of the souls and God. How did selfishness, greed, and human negativity come about? You have said that the perfect God force lives in us. How did negative thoughts even enter our heads unless they were created by God? And how can knowing this help us in our lives today?”
5. This question is from Austin, Texas: “You have said that souls are in some general groupings. For instance, one soul could be in a teaching group, and also in another group. Would you expand on the general soul groupings and how they work? How can we know which group we might be in? 6. This question is from California: “There was recently a report that scientists can re-create an out-of-body experience in the laboratory by stimulating a part of the brain. What does this mean to the spiritual explanation that we are not our body? For those of us who have had an out-of-body experience, it is a very real and often comforting experience. It is unsettling to think that it can simply be scientifically explained as something in the brain. Would you talk about this?” 7. This question is from England: “Would you explain what is happening in the experience that we call ‘déjà vu,’ where we strongly experience that the present events that are unfolding have already happened?” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #249 Sep 2007E-Transcript - #249 Sep 2007 |
4. From Virginia: “In a Study Group question from this past summer, you said that in early times of the earth, souls came in and out of bodies very easily, and if a body seemed to be deteriorating, the soul could just pick another body. But wouldn’t that new body already have a soul inhabiting it? Or were there bodies ‘hanging around’ without souls? How did one just change from one body to another? Also, could two souls inhabit one body at the same time?” 5. From California: “I often find that when I'm having a one-on-one conversation with someone about my philosophies on life and my spiritual beliefs, that while I'm talking I have this simultaneous awareness of using the same words that I've heard from the Guides through Ron. It's not that the experience is "cosmic" in nature, or perhaps it is, but the feelings are soothing, reassuring, peaceful, loving, and definitely spiritual. Would you please comment on this experience, the energies, the feelings, and anything that might help me gain insight?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #250 Oct 2007E-Transcript - #250 Oct 2007 |
4. This is also from Washington State: “Often the Guides, you, say that something is the soul's choice. That choice by a soul may be a terrible genetic disease, the inability to have children, a certain propensity towards a personality or physical trait such as obesity, or fear—something that really can make life miserable, or at least challenging and difficult. It seems that we humans are more or less stuck with our soul's choices, and often they can impact our small human self for a lifetime of self blame, struggle and sadness. And, although we are our soul, it seems that it would be less difficult for us if we had some way to get clued in to the what and why of those things that impact us—that we can't do much about, or that we struggle with. Is there some sort of way that the souls care for, or respond to, or nurture humans who struggle with their soul choices that cause human challenge? Sometimes it all seems so cold and callous to allow such human suffering for the sake of 'learning.’ What can we do to get some help down here?” 5. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #251 Nov 2007E-Transcript - #251 Nov 2007 |
4. This is from North Carolina. He writes the following: “In our culture, the role models are often those who follow their dreams, and are successful in attaining them. Personally, I have never had a ‘dream,’ or been consumed with something I wanted to do or accomplish in life. I felt somewhat cheated in going through life, hearing about people who always knew they wanted to be a baseball player, or a doctor, or whatever. I still don’t have a dream, and don’t want to finish life with an empty feeling of not accomplishing what I was meant to do on earth. How do we connect to our dreams, and move from idle day to day desires, to discover what is really important for us to focus on in this lifetime?” 5. From California: “Life as most of us have known it, at least in the United States, seems to be changing—from the threat of terrorism, to the economy, to, well you name it. At least from the media point of view, earth affairs can seem frightening. So, we are asking for something inspiring to remind us of just why we are here on earth. Are we on a relentless path of destruction, or is there actually hope for the future?” 6. The end of the year holiday season is upon us. Would you please close with a special “holiday” attunement for us to use during this time? |
MP3 - #252 Dec 2007E-Transcript - #252 Dec 2007 |