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5. The following question is from a different study group member, a member from New York. You probably answered it already, but I’m going to ask it in case there’s anything else to add specific to her question. She asks: “As humans, we usually do something repeatedly because it brings us some sense of pleasure or satisfaction. When our practice of meditation brings only sleep or rest, but not the spiritual experience that we seeking, how can we motivate ourselves to keep meditating? Sometimes people go for years meditating without any particular breakthrough.” 6. This question is from California: “People who have near-death experiences report profound interactions with light. Certain meditation techniques involve ‘breathing in the light.’ This suggests that there is something mystical about light. Is light simply symbolic for something spiritual, or is there an actual spiritual reality associated with light itself?” 7. We are about to enter the year 2010. What do we need to know for the upcoming year? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 #277 Jan 2010E-Transcript #277 Jan 2010 |
4. This question is from Washington State: “I believe that in one of your Readings you stated that there are no such places in the body that some refer to as ‘chakras.’ I am studying books on spiritual healing, and the understanding of what they claim to be chakras, and auras, and nerve medians, seems to be the foundation of their practice. Is it possible for healers to believe in something that doesn’t exist, and base their practice and methods on mistaken beliefs, and still be able to heal others regardless? Or, are some of the listed healings only imaginings?”
5. This question is from Maryland: “What difference does it make if we are aware, or not aware, of our eternal source when we die? Is there a period of confusion—an intermediate state—after death, or do we immediately remember who we are as a soul? What is the benefit of living a physical life in acknowledgment of our true spiritual self?" 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #278 Feb 2010E-Transcript - #278 Feb 2010 |
4. This question is from Missouri: “When the soul is making contact with the human self in dreams and meditation, and the human self is starting to receive steady messages with a more confident flow, will there be markers that one might expect—specific to the individual of course—but some benchmarks to look for? What I mean is, since love, kindness, and compassion are threads that weave us closer to Truth, will the messages always be encoded in just these qualities? And, are creativity, mystery, humor, art, music, or poetry equal playgrounds for ways to ‘hear’ guidance? If so, how does one discern the human self from what is the larger Self, or soul, in such cases?”
5. This question is from England: “You often say that it is necessary to give up desire when we pray or meditate. That seems an almost impossible task. It is a human instinct to desire something as a first motivator. Even before making a move physically, it’s motivated by a desire. Everything in the human world seems motivated by desire. We can desire to know the answer to this question. How can we possibly give up all desire when we pray or meditate?” 6. This question is from New York: “A long time ago, I read a book, Strangers Among Us, by Ruth Montgomery. It said that there exists what is called ‘walk-ins,’ who are guiding humanitarian-oriented souls who later come to inhabit, or take over a human adult body whose soul is willing, for many possible reasons, to leave living. Would you comment on this? I originally saw this as possible, but now question its validity as it sounds counter to your teachings.” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #279 Mar 2010E-Transcript - #279 Mar 2010 |
5. This question is from California: “Estimates differ, but no small percentage of people are born sociopaths. They do not have normal human emotions. Early life trauma seems to have no formative role in why they are the way they are. It’s strictly a matter of biology, genetics, the roll of the dice. There are, as yet, no effective ‘remedies’ for this condition. People with the condition can commit the most terrible atrocities with no regret. This condition challenges not only our practice of compassion, but our cherished notions about ‘free will,’ the ‘soul’ being here to learn ‘lessons,’ the capacity for human development, the idea of cosmic love and justice, and so forth. There seems to be no explaining it away. Would you explain how people being born as sociopaths fits into the spiritual scheme of things?”
6. This question is from New York: “To me, it seems that there has been much reference lately in your Readings to human choice—that through better choices life can improve, whether it be individually, or at the societal level. Would you give us some insight into how to look at our choices, what constitutes choices, do we make more choices than we actually feel or take ownership of, can all our actions and words be considered choices? Do we, in general, need to think more about our choices rather than just react? What about areas such as career, or partners, that we make choices about but seem, in part, to be influenced by forces and factors that are not just of our own making?” 7. So, is it true that we can always choose our inner attitude, or how we will respond to something that happens in life? And, if so, does that mean then that we could actually justify anything that takes place? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #280 Apr 2010E-Transcript - #280 Apr 2010 |
4. This question is from the same questioner in California: “What did Jesus mean when he said later in that passage from Matthew, ‘I am with you always, to the very end of the age?’ What actual presence might we experience of Jesus? Are we to assume that we have the potential for a real living relationship with Jesus?” 5. This question is from Florida: “I would love to hear more about lost civilizations, such as Atlantis and Lemuria and how such vast wisdom of the golden ages of humanity came to be lost. How does our animal nature fling us into oblivion to basically obliterate good, and blindly instill forces of control that obviously wiped out those golden ages of wonderment?” 6. This question is from North Carolina: “Striving for perfection, while that seems good in theory, is a bit like hitting the moon with a golf shot. It not only seems impossible to achieve perfection, but it is frustrating if we have it in our mind to do so. What is the best way to view ‘perfection?’” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #281 May 2010E-Transcript - #281 May 2010 |
3. This question is from Minnesota: “For many years, our scientists, innovators and businessmen have attempted to give us ‘better living thru chemistry.’ There have been many advances and legitimate improvements that have given us more comforts and genuine health benefits. However, more and more data is showing that some of those chemicals—sometimes called endocrine disruptors—are harmful, and even toxic to vulnerable individuals, and even pose a threat to our survival as a species. Will you give us the Guides’ outlook on these ‘modern improvements’? Are there any chemicals, or classes of chemicals, that are specifically causing more problems for future generations? What can we do as individuals to create a healthy environment for ourselves, our future generations, and our planet?”
4. This question is from Arizona: “If the right brain controls our emotions and spiritual perception, and the left brain controls linear thinking, how can we utilize the function of the right brain in order to enhance and increase our intuition?” 5. I’m sorry that I can’t remember who sent in the following question, but it is a good one: “Would you help us understand the mentality of greed that seems so predominant amongst certain business people, not only in this country, but in the world. Why does any one person need millions and millions, billions, of dollars to live happily? Were these people kings in past lifetimes, now trying to recreate their kingdom? Is it just because they can accumulate for themselves? Would you help us understand this kind of mentality that has spawned the Bernie Madoff’s and Goldman Sachs brokers of the world?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #282 June 2010E-Transcript - #282 June 2010 |
4. This question is from Los Angeles: “You have said that when we love each other and live a life of empathy, compassion, and love, the Christ Force emanates to those around us. Is there an unseen force moving from us when we live a life dedicated to goodness? In effect, do we teach love to each person purely by example?”
5. This question is from Saint Louis, Missouri: “Would you give us a type of visual meditation to help us transmute stress and worry with images that align with, or promote our optimum cellular health?” 6. This question is from North Carolina: “You have often spoken about the first stages of human life on earth during which you said humans lived perfect lives as a reflection of divine perfection. What happened that took the early divine-realized humans so far down the path of fear that they lost consciousness of the divine? How long, from our point of view in terms of time, did this fall from grace take to happen, and how long has it taken us to get back to our present life situation?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #283 July 2010E-Transcript - #283 July 2010 |
5. Another Study Group member from Oregon is curious to know if President Obama was President Lincoln in another lifetime? 6. This question is from Iowa: “Some people believe that negative thoughts and emotions can cause ‘negative’ events to occur. It would seem that this line of thinking can result in people being afraid to think certain thoughts, or afraid to experience certain emotions, such as fear, jealousy, anger, grief, and so forth, thus causing more fear, that is, the fear of negativity. Would you please enlighten us about this? We know from your teachings that it is best to experience our fears, release them, and thus heal them. Allowing for individual differences such as the soul’s intentions to heal certain fears from past lives, is there any truth to the idea that persistent fear patterns in the present lifetime (negative thoughts and so forth) can cause or ‘attract’ further challenges, disease, and so forth?” 7. So, the ideal for creating the life that you want would be to have positive thoughts, with heartfelt feelings of belief and positivity, and taking the physical actions to bring about the results that you want. Is that what you’re saying? 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #284 Aug 2010E-Transcript - #284 Aug 2010 |
4. So, to experience the larger core more in our daily life—I’m trying to connect this back to the other question about being in the present moment—does being in the present moment, the “be here now concept,” help one to experience more fully that core of which you speak? 5. This question is from New York: “What factors determine the nature of the relationship that we have with significant others—by this I mean spouse, friend, sibling, child? It is easy to embrace the specialness of our current relationship. It’s harder to imagine that in other lifetimes the relationship was different. For instance, it seems more comforting to think that a spouse or a child has always been the spouse or the child. How do we understand the intermingling of relationships, or the desire for it to be constant?” 6. This question is from Virginia: “I believe that the propaganda attacks against the current Barak Obama administration are built largely on deceit and misinformation. But, many good people believe the deception and buy into the propaganda. Is there any way to counter this growing trend?” 7. This question is from another Study Group member in California: “There has been a lot of research on the brain in recent years with new and advanced ways to view the actual brain. Would you speak about the brain-mind-personality connection? If the mind represents the soul, how much influence does it have over a physical brain, thus affecting the development of different personality traits?” 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #285 Sep 2010E-Transcript - #285 Sep 2010 |
4. This question is from a Study Group member in Korea: “A common and popular idea in contemporary Western spiritual thought is that each incarnation is a conscious choice. But, in the ancient Eastern traditions, it tends to be portrayed as something that people are unintentionally pulled into by their karma, lifetime after lifetime, until they have finally attained what in Hinduism and Buddhism is called ‘moksha,’ or liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. What is your own take on this?”
5. This is a question from Florida: “Why have all the groupings vanished that had civilizations in the past that could accomplish great feats, like moving stone with sound, and so forth? Why have none of them managed to find a place somewhere in this vast earth to survive?” 6. This question is from North Carolina: “You mentioned in a personal reading that to be wealthy we must learn the ‘trick of wealth.’ Would you please expand on this concept so that we may better attract wealth in our lives?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #286 Oct 2010E-Transcript - #286 Oct 2010 |
4. This question is from Florida: “When unexpected good things happen I find myself thanking God, and I send happy, positive energy to the ‘God concept,’ or to the person that was nice to me. My question is, when bad things happen, why am I confused as to how to feel? I start to feel depressed, withdrawn, and very sad. Would you please clarify this mystery, and give us some tips to free us from the hold of relentless negativity that we experience when bad things happen? Doctors have told us that there are five stages of depression that we go through when experiencing a bad event. I do understand that only the good is truly real, but still the human evil has always been at the forefront of all societies and civilizations throughout history, with no progress in sight.”
5. This question is from California: “In the Bible there is a verse that says, ‘Those who are meant to die in war will die in war. Those who are meant to die from hunger will die from hunger. Those who are meant to be taken captive, will be taken captive.’ Would you comment on this verse?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #287 Nov 2010E-Transcript - #287 Nov 2010 |
4. This question is from Virginia: "How is the soul of a person who forgives an action taken against them that is harmful affected differently from one who does not forgive? What difference does it make and in what ways?" 5. This question is from a Study Group member's personal Reading. We thought it addressed an issue that some of you deal with and would find interesting. We received permission to include it this month. The questioner asks: "My 80-year-old father has been dealing with serious cancer issues. I am concerned with how to speak with him about his cancer and his beliefs. He is completely Jesus-oriented, meaning that he sees Jesus as a personal savior and truly feels that if a person does not accept that truth, that they will not be accepted by God. I have attempted to explain in a very limited way some of what I have come to understand of the divine. I want him to feel comforted, as I think he is understandably frightened by what is happening. Please give me guidance on how to best talk with him and help him?" 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #288 Dec 2010E-Transcript - #288 Dec 2010 |