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4. This question is from me (Susan): “Someone in their personal Reading that I transcribed for them stated, ‘I can feel some resistance to the idea of being magnificent as a person. It’s as if I’m fearing that there is a danger in thinking too much of myself, or that I might somehow respect others less if I allow a love of myself to penetrate too deeply.’ You often instruct us to celebrate our ‘magnificence,’ but I think many feel as this questioner does. Many, at least in my generation, were taught that humility was important. What would you say to this?”
5. This question is from Texas: “Many people believe in a system called homeopathy, which treats disease by giving people very tiny amounts of certain substances based on the symptoms of the sick person. There is conflicting evidence about the effectiveness of this system, and some people believe that people are cured with this system simply because they believe it will work. In other words, the state of mind provides the cure, not the actual homeopathic substance. Does homeopathy work, and if it does, how does it work on the body?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 #289 Jan 2011E-Transcript #289 Jan 2011 |
week, and I practiced sending loving thoughts to each person, and sending clean energy into the offices. In the middle of that process, I found myself getting annoyed with one person in my office and I went into negative thinking about her. I would like to believe that my positive thoughts went out into the office, but that my negative ones just plummeted inside my car and did not go out, because they are not aligned with true spirit. Is that possible? Or, on earth, do positive and negative thoughts go out equally to other people and places?” 4. This question is from New York: “Would you provide some thoughts around the notion of free will? What happens when we don’t feel capable of exercising our free will? Is it just fears? What happens in cases of compulsion, where the sense is that our free will feels absent, or we feel at the mercy of forces either outside our selves, or not in our control?” 5. This question is from Florida: “It has been said that we create good and bad ‘luck’ ourselves. How does this work since we are creators with our thoughts as we focus them within the time sequence using our ‘free will’? And, how does ‘prayer to a higher force’ play into bringing this about?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #290 Feb 2011E-Transcript - #290 Feb 2011 |
4. Susan: I want to ask another question about the Bible, and that is—Were the writers of the Bible inspired to write the words as they knew them from Jesus such that it would be a message for humanity throughout the ages? 5. This question is from Virginia: “My question is about negativity. You have said that negativity exists only on earth, but when I read about the entities of other frequencies, or on other planets, many of them seem very negative to me—with a lot of wars and power struggles. Are there, or have there been, wars between races on different planets, at any frequency? Is this negativity? How is negativity defined?” 6. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #291 Mar 2011E-Transcript - #291 Mar 2011 |
This is the creation of the ego and is not real. The world of perception is the illusion, is the dream. No thoughts exist apart from God because God and his creation share one will. And, through forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, we can wake up from the dream we think is reality and come into truth. I am curious as to the Guides’ comment on these ideas. Is A Course in Miracles more aligned with truth than some of our other thought systems and religions?” 4. This question is from Florida: “The ancient cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa in Pakistan were primary locations of the Indus Valley Civilization that flourished between 3300-1700 BC. Some people believe that the cities were destroyed with some kind of weapon that caused radiation levels to register in the earth and in the skeletons found there. In the Sanskrit epic of ancient India called the Mahabharata, there is a story of the ruler Ashwattaman fighting some other group with such weapons. Those of us who are ancient civilization buffs would love to learn more about this.” 5. This question is from North Carolina: “When we find ourselves in the midst of negative people, what is the best way for us to avoid taking on their pain and not be affected by it?” 6. Susan] I would like to ask, it’s so impossible these days to escape the awareness of earth events, the internet, the news. I mean you’d have to virtually live underground and not let anyone in to avoid the knowledge of what’s going on in the world. The tragedy in Japan, the earthquakes, tsunami, nuclear meltdown, bombings in the middle east, people fearing the end of the world because of the Mayan calendar, fears of radiation, there are fears and threats everywhere. Can you give us some inspiration? Clearly, we can’t constantly turn off the TV, but how can we navigate our way through all of this negativity that seems to be going on in the world right now? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #292 Apr 2011E-Transcript - #292 Apr 2011 |
4. This question is from New York: “I am curious as to what you can tell us about our justice system. Although I have many questions about it, the first would be about how to deal with violent criminals. Would you agree that they need to be separated from the general population, and if so, what is the best way to do that? Also, what is the best way to handle convicted criminals once they are in jail?” 5. This question is from Minnesota: “How do the beliefs that we hold during our lifetime affect our experience after death? Is each person’s experience completely individual to them?” 6. [Susan] So, if you believed, for example, like some Christians do, that you will be sitting on the right hand of God playing harps, might there be a temporary imagining of that, or, if you believe that there will be seventy virgins there awaiting you, might there be a temporary experience of that? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #293 May 2011E-Transcript - #293 May 2011 |
4. This question is from California: "How do you view the recent assassination of Osama Bin Laden? If there is anything that can be shared about him and his life path, please share that also. I was very disturbed by his shooting. I thought of Jesus' saying, 'What you do to the least of these you do to me.'" Follow-up by Susan: To take this a little further, there is the dictate, "Thou shalt not kill." But, from a soul point of view, is killing justified when, for example, Osama Bin Laden was killed, partly for revenge, but also to prevent more deaths from his camp. If we have a Buddhist, peaceful, Gandhi-like point of view, is that justified? Can we justify that in our minds-the killing of someone to prevent more killings? 5. This question is from Oregon: "It makes sense to me that those people who surrounded Jesus in the time of Palestine were very powerful and knowing persons who had lived important and interesting lives in history. These were not just 'ordinary' people, but very possibly had been in their past lives powerful rulers, generals, leaders, teachers, and people found in our history books. I believe that there were no accidents in the people who were drawn to Palestine to walk with and be taught by Jesus. Am I wrong in this insight?" 6. This question is from California: "What can you tell us about the seeming 'epidemic' of autism that is now occurring? Would you speak about these children and the people that then care for them?" 7. This question is from North Carolina. "If time and space are in some way an illusion, are we living reincarnated lives all at once?" 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #294 June 2011E-Transcript - #294 June 2011 |
5. To clarify a point that you made in there, you said that medical science developed out of a desperation, but couldn't you say that once we lost the spiritual healing, couldn't you say that medical science was actually developed out of the divine responsibility to serve others? 6. This question is from California: "Particularly, in the area of illness, there is a kind of pervasive attitude that suffering is courageous and valiant. People can say, 'He battled cancer to the end.' I think that this idea contributes to the resistance to assisted hastening of death, and the slowness in developing, and reluctance to prescribing really effective pain medications. Is the idea that Jesus suffered on the cross a contributing factor to this way of thinking? Would you comment on this?" 7. This question is from Pennsylvania: "Many spiritually-seeking people now feel troubled. Even as we continue to trust that nothing can damage our being, and fully understand that, from a higher perspective, there is no sudden dramatic crisis for humanity, many of us are sensing a badness in life that seems 'worse than normal.' Please offer some advice for those of us who are not sure what practical attitude to take regarding humanity's most likely near-term future. Metaphorically speaking, which is more prudent at this time-to sit tight while continuing to heal our fears, or to begin to think about changing our seats!" 8. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #295 July 2011E-Transcript - #295 July 2011 |
3. This question is from New York: “What would be your definition of forgiveness? Is it necessary to work toward this? Can it be enough to try to be understanding and compassionate for those who, out of selfishness, have behaved in ways that were knowingly, and perhaps repeatedly, hurtful to another?” 4. This question is from Wisconsin: “The life circumstances that a soul can be born into are incredibly diverse. Would you please speak about why there always seems to be a soul interested in incarnating into virtually any situation, even in places where there are serious challenges such as famine and war?” 5. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #296 Aug 2011E-Transcript - #296 Aug 2011 |
5. This question is from Missouri: “You often applaud the human traits of idealism and imagination. Sometimes, I think that I have a gift of being an idealist, but I also wonder about the mind’s capability to be lost in fantasy and distortions of the truth. Maybe I am just imagining that I am an idealist. It seems that truth, from the earthly perspective, is always seen through the eyes of the beholder. There are so many ways to perceive truth, depending on one’s inner experience! Would you comment on this spectrum of idealism and fantasy? Are there are constants that might help truth seem less elusive?” 6. Because many of us in the Study Group enjoy workshops or spiritual gatherings, we thought that the answer to the following question would be of interest to you. The question was asked by a Study Group member in Minnesota in her personal Reading and she has given us permission to include the Guides’ answer in this month’s Study Group reading. Her question was: “In a Reading that you gave at the 2010 Spiritual Retreat with Ron and Susan, you talked about the extraordinary ‘accelerated energies’ that occurred at the Retreat that were beneath the conscious level. Would you speak more about those invisible energies and how best to manifest them?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement to use this month? |
MP3 - #297 Sep 2011E-Transcript - #297 Sep 2011 |
4. This question is from Maryland: “You have said repeatedly that feelings are temporary, yet some of us experiences lifetimes, or decades, that are predominately characterized by depression or fear. Would you please elaborate on the temporary nature of feelings that to some of us last a very long time and do not seem temporary at all?”
5. This question is from the same questioner in Maryland: “You encourage us to wallow in our negative feelings for five or ten moments before turning to, or aligning our minds to truth thinking. However, when is it appropriate to ‘just say no’ to a negative thought or experience instead of letting ourselves enter into the bad feeling that it produces? It seems that we could go down an unnecessary path of wallowing in negativity without it really being productive.” 6. This question is from Virginia: “In the early stages of human life on Earth, were ‘advanced’ souls who remembered all knowledge sent to Earth in human bodies to teach the more primitive ‘humans’ living here about more advanced ways of living, including advancements in agriculture, technology and science? Were these early ‘advanced souls’ thought to be ‘gods’ by the less advanced humans? Who were the less advanced humans? Would you please describe what happened historically in ancient times to help us better understand these issues?” 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #298 Oct 2011E-Transcript - #298 Oct 2011 |
4. This question is from Oregon: “As we grow in our compassion and love for others, will we see ourselves as more and more being unable to tolerate any kind of violence, or the hurting of other humans and creatures, as a natural result?” 5. This question is also from Oregon: “Would you please speak to us about loving ourselves and others as the master teacher Jesus in Palestine loved those around him, particularly in the last hours of his life. It is easy for us to love those that love us back and treat us with kindness, compassion, and love, but it is more difficult with those who hurt us, both physically and emotionally. How can we love as Jesus loved?” 6. I would like to ask a little bit more about the concept, or the word, love, because when I think of loving someone—the feeling to create a warm, loving feeling—I think of my children, or my parents, or a beloved friend, or a beloved mate. When I think about loving somebody who has injured me in some way, or injured someone that I love, it’s hard to use the same word love that I use when I talk about loving my mate. Is there another way to sort of frame that when we’re talking about somebody who isn’t so lovable? 7. Would you please close with an attunement for us to use this month? |
MP3 - #299 Nov 2011E-Transcript - #299 Nov 2011 |
5. This question is also from California, and the questioner writes: “Since this is the month of Christmas, I would like to ask a question about Jesus. What did Jesus’ soul do in the time period between his physical death on the cross, and his resurrection?” 6. This question is from Kentucky: “In the March 2011 Study Group Reading, you said that Jesus, when he spoke to his disciples, gave them a ‘spiritual transfusion’ that went beyond words and meanings. You said that Jesus emanated energies that penetrated the listeners and were captured through the sound of his voice, and that sensitive listeners would be transformed by their own inner experience. Would you tell us more about this, and how it was done?” 7. As our closing for December of 2011, would you give us a spiritual transfusion like Jesus gave that goes beyond words and meaning? The CD or MP3 version includes The Guides’ Closing With Music, |
MP3 - #300 Dec 2011E-Transcript - #300 Dec 2011 |